Am 06.03.2016 um 15:22 schrieb Andrew:
> 06.03.2016 15:48, Erich Titl пишет:

>> OK
> IMHO it's easier that maintain abstract 'common config' that isn't 
> correspond to any target so can't be checked at all.
>>> P.S. it seems like you forgot to commit umount_modules script into repo.
>> Mhhhh... possible, it should just be a link to mount_modules though, not
>> a separate script.
> Ok.
> Also question about local.local file - why /lib/firmware local dir was 
> added in such uncommon way? 

Because it is simple (and local)

Maybe it'll be better to declare it as
> 'local' somewhere in package config (like /root dir)?

I have no personal preference, just that local is.... well it is local.
It exists, it can be used and does not require anything special. Root as
opposed is a basic piece of the architecture. There are probably only a
handful of adapters requiring firmware and of those probably only a very
limited number are in actual use, so to me local appears logical.




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