Hi Bob

(copying this to leaf-devel)

Am 03.05.2017 um 20:03 schrieb Robert K Coffman Jr. -Info From Data Corp.:

IRC user ddrown confirmed the x64 patch I mentioned earlier seems to fix
the issue on i386 as well.  I'm not really sure what to do with that
information.  Is it possible to patch Leaf with it?


I don't know. It looks like the RESTORE2 macro is extended with a nop operator in this patch. This looks like assembly code.

The thing that puzzles me most is that the current code looks like the following.

#define RESTORE(name, syscall) RESTORE2(name, syscall)
#define RESTORE2(name, syscall) \
__asm__ (                                               \
        "nop\n"                                         \
        ".text\n"                                       \
        "__" #name ":\n"                                \
        "       movq    $" #syscall ", %rax\n"          \
        "       syscall\n"                              \

So it looks like the patch has already been applied. Very definitely ddrown has not started from the same codebase, so I would be very reluctant to follow this path.



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