On Dec 31, 2008, at 4:55 PM, Rob Seaman wrote:

For those that dig back to the depths of the archives of this list and prior discussions, I should mention that it was Levine who kickstarted the interest of the astronomical software community in this issue. JL contacted an astronomer in northern Arizona, who contacted the National Observatory in southern Arizona. It naturally wended its way to my desk. I believe this was the first public message:


I've had a pleasant time rereading a few of the messages from that thread. Rather amusing how many of the familiar tropes were laid out within 2 days of the first post. It sounds like there was a contemporaneous thread over in the NTP community. It could be interesting to compare the two.

One thing to note in addition to the stunned perception at the hubris of the notion was the willingness among the astronomers to debate the proposal. Another thing to note is that from that day to this the ITU proposal has not wavered one whit in response. One really has to think that we could have more luck considering alternate possibilities.


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