> I'm not a GPS expert. IS-GPS-200G is dense. The TAI-UTC value is 
> signaled, but how its encoded is complicated, and when its updated is 
> unclear to me. See Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). Can 
> anyone speak to that and this topic? What does GPS do? Is it clear? Or 
> does it actually suffer from this same ambiguity we are discussing?

Remember, the alleged ambiguity is only about the what / when of time scale 
integer offsets. There's no ambiguity in TAI or UTC or GPS time stamps 
themselves. GPS receivers tend not to output anything like an offset, so they 
are immune from this discussion.

Most commercial GPS timing receivers tend to output GPS time or UTC; there are 
internal configuration commands. Their UTC rolls over as one would expect and 
they output 23:59:60 appropriately. To get TAI one just adds 19 to GPS time. So 
no worries either way.

Some cheaper GPS receivers output UTC date and time only, via easy-to-use NMEA 
sentences. In addition, by design, they avoid a 23:59:60 time stamp, which 
would upset upstream instruments. So during a leap second they either output 
23:59:59 twice, or output 00:00:00 twice, or stutter and reset and stumble into 
the next day.

> Also, NIST Special Publication 250-67 NIST Time and Frequency Radio 
> Stations:

Yes, there is a bit to indicate a pending leap second at the end of the current 
month. The sign of DUT1 is used to distinguish a positive from a negative leap. 
The data frames used by WWV and WWVB are 60 seconds long.

For a positive leap second a blank second occurs between the last minute of 
2016 and the first minute of 2017. The blank second is definitely not part of 
the 2017 minute. You could argue it's not really part of the 2016 minute 
either; it's just extra second. Again, there's no concept of transmitting a TAI 
offset, so no worries here either.

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