> Yo Tom!
> On Tue, 15 Jan 2019 10:50:10 -0800
> "Tom Van Baak" <t...@leapsecond.com> wrote:
> > Nope. All minutes have 60 seconds in Excel. And in Windows. And in
> > Unix/POSIX.
> Not quite.  Check out "man gmtime" for one way that POSIX represents time.
> Specifically:
>            struct tm {
> [...]
>                int tm_sec;    /* Seconds (0-60) */
> gmtime() is perfectly capable of reporting 61 seconds in a minute.

Hi Gary,

Nice to hear from you.

But the underlying time_t cannot represent leap seconds, can it? So how does 
that gmtime hackery work?
Also, presumably Python is based on POSIX? Does it use time_t or gmtime? Why 
did Jim's quick Python experiment fail?


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