On Jan 14, 2006, at 8:59 AM, Richard Langley wrote:

The problem existed for only 2-1/2 minutes, not hours.

Thanks for the clarification.

Might be coincidental with the leap second but I've not noticed
this problem at other times.

Would be a significant coincidence.  Any simple explanation for the
90 second lag in the issue being triggered?  The latency associated
with emergent behavior is of interest in itself.

Stations were not running during the previous leap second.

Right - that's a central fact influencing policy.  That different
groups take this to imply that different choices should be made adds
a little spice to the discussion :-)

UNB1 Web page is here: <http://gge.unb.ca/Resources/UNB1.html>.
IGS Central Bureau Web page is here: <http://igscb.jpl.nasa.gov/>

Thanks for the pointers.

Rob Seaman

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