I tried to send this a few times the other day, but the list rejected it. Figured I'd try one more time as a mail check as much as anything else. Obviously not a particularly meaningful message.


Poul-Henning Kamp wrote:

And next thing, somebody is going to argue for GZIP encoding of the list

Feather's encoding is a type of compression. GZIP won't buy you anything extra.

As I said, my original suggestion was in the context of the discussion at the time. One certainly can convey the leap second table for the next several decades in a quite concise format - should that be necessary. I'll join the rising chorus that thinks it need not appear in every packet.

I like Zefram's additional suggestion that each bit of leap table DNA be self-describing. We're pretty much reinventing genetic transcription and translation, complete with stopper sequences. One could likely base a really interesting rubber time scale on a DNA/RNA model. That this isn't the problem we face shouldn't take away from the cleverness of its solution :–)

I'd also modify Feather encoding to delta backwards from the expiration time stamp. This would not only permit applications to truncate transcription after a very small number of bytes, but could potentially extend proleptically indefinitely backward.

Speaking of which, Tony Finch wrote:

The main requirement for a proleptic timescale is that it is useful for most practical purposes.

I've worked on projects that had requirements this broadly expressed. I hope to avoid that opportunity antileptically ("in the future").

A coworker has chosen "proleptic" as his word of the day. He says the challenge will be to use it in a sentence without mentioning his "Grandma's seizure".

Helpful definition of proleptically from thefreedictionary.com: "in a proleptical manner".


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