Tax reform - have your say for the environment

Participate in the debate

Public submissions are being sought on the Federal Government’s proposed
“New Tax System”, including the goods and services tax - GST, and now is the
time to have a say for the environment.  The deadline for submissions is 29
January 1999, ONLY TWO WEEKS AWAY!  Three Senate Standing Committees will
consider the proposed tax system and report by 18 February to a Senate
Select Committee which will prepare a full report for a Senate debate
starting 19 April 1999.

The Australian Conservation Foundation is encouraging people to speak up for
the environment and provide submissions to the Committees, and optionally
follow up by appearing at Committee hearings.

The proposed tax system may have a range of effects on the environment,

- an increase in fossil fuel consumption in turn leading to an increase in
greenhouse gases and air pollution and a consequent drop in living

- a change in the types of fuels used, with dirtier fuels such as diesel
being advantaged;

- less investment in renewable energies, if they become less economical for
the near future;

- community organisations, including environment groups, will be affected if
fundraising and donations are disadvantaged;

- small organisations will face difficulties making the transition to the
new system, especially in having the cash flow to pay the GST, and in
establishing systems of compliance;

- the transfer of a large proportion of public money from Federal to State
control will reduce environmental standards because public money will not be
“tied” to co-ordinated approaches;

- a rise in the cost to users of public transport;

- support for increased logging and woodchipping of native forests because
exports are GST-free, diesel will be cheaper and the tax on some equipment
will be reduced;

- an end to incentives for fuel and energy efficiency because fuels,
especially diesel, will be cheaper;

- an end to ecotaxes because there will be less scope for subsidies and
incentives for “eco-friendly” activities and less scope for additional tax
on “eco-unfriendly” activities.

ACF is very concerned about the impact of the proposed tax system, including
the introduction of a goods and services tax (GST) and lobbied to include
environmental considerations in the Senate Inquiries.

Your chance to make a submission to the Inquiries on the proposed tax reform
ends January 29 1999.  We urge you to find time to write a submission, even
if it is short.  Your submission does not have to be long or complicated,
but should set out your views on how the proposed reforms may affect the
environment or your local community, and include any suggestions you have
for improvement, or any alternatives.

The terms of reference for the Senate Inquiries are at:

The terms of reference are also available from 02 6277 3134 (tel) or 02 6277
3122 (fax).

You may also contact the Tax Reform Information Centre on 13 63 20 for
specific information.

The Australian Conservation Foundation is preparing a submission to the
Inquiries and is interested in any ideas relating to environmental aspects
of the proposed reforms.  We would also like to see any other
environment-related submissions to the enquiries.  Please call the ACF
National Liaison Office 02 6247 2472 or email [EMAIL PROTECTED]

National Liaison Officer
Australian Conservation Foundation
02 - 6247 2472 (p)
02 - 6247 5779 (f)

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