Vic construction workers' wage campaign

The following article was published in "The Guardian", newspaper
of the Communist Party of Australia in its issue of Wednesday,
October 27th 1999. Contact address: 65 Campbell Street, Surry Hills.
Sydney. 2010 Australia. Phone: (612) 9212 6855  Fax: (612) 9281 5795.
Subscription rates on request.

Building unions have responded to the Federal Government's
targeting of their industry by going on the offensive. They have
just secured an agreement with employers that delivers improved
wages and conditions, which will undoubtedly frustrate the
Government's political agenda.

The Construction Forestry Mining and Energy Union (CFMEU) has
negotiated a national agreement with major companies that
delivers a 15 per cent pay rise over three years. In a blow to
the Howard/Reith agenda to de-unionise the industry by promoting
individual contracts, employers agreed to promote the union
agreement with any sub-contractors as well.

Victorian building unions, however, are campaigning for
additional benefits and have begun holding stopwork meetings over
a more far-reaching claim.

With Kennett leaving the stage and the possibility of a Labor
Government, unions want to send a strong message to the incoming
Government to stand up to the Federal Government's attacks on
unions and their industry, in particular.

Building workers have been very militant in Victoria, partly due
to the Kennett Government's attacks on WorkCover and the high
number of workers killed.

In the past, Victorian unions have successfully negotiated with
employers to protect themselves from the reforms being pushed by
the Howard/Reith Government.

The Victorian Building Industry Agreement (VBIA) was one such
measure which ensured the retention of conditions and union
rights that had been stripped from awards by the Federal

The Federal Government had put rules in place to allow employers
to buy into an anti-union confrontation, but, according to
unions, employers prefer the certainty that industry-wide union-
negotiated agreements can provide and have been reluctant to wage
the sort of MUA-style confrontation that the Government is

Significantly, just when the Federal Government is trying to
smash pattern bargaining and any form of industry-wide
agreements, the current campaign by Victorian building unions is
the first time in over 20 years that the principle construction
unions - CFMEU Construction Division and CFMEU-FEDFA, the
Plumbers Union (CEPU), and the Electrical Trades Union (CEPU) -
have joined forces for a joint industrial campaign for a pattern
enterprise agreement.

They are seeking a pay rise of eight per cent a year for three
years (a total of 24 per cent), a 36-hour week and wage
protection to compensate for effects of the GST, a rise in
superannuation payments and an increase in the amount paid for

With the shorter working week, unions want there to be no
increase in the amount of overtime worked, so that employers have
to employ more workers.

The Victorian Trades Hall Council said, "unions are determined to
achieve a collective outcome regardless of Reith's policy of
trying to force workers to have individual company outcomes or
even individual contracts".


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