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Earth Matters
Program 86b
Juliet Fox
3CR Community Radio
03 9419 8377
ComRadSat Program 5/11/1999
INTRO : "Hello and welcome to ..."
OUTRO : "... see you later."
DURATION : 26'30" (frogs til around 27'30")

Arundhati Roy - Indian author and activist
Arundhati Roy is the author of "The God of Small Things" which received
world acclaim when it won the Booker Prize. More recently Arundhati has
received further attention through her campaigning against the massive
Narmada dam project in India. Today on Earth Matters we hear from Arundhati
addressing a packed audience at La Trobe univeristy in Melbourne.

Firstly we hear about the success of her book and how that led Arundhati
back to the roots of her passions and interests - the Narmada valley. For
the last 15 years people have campaigned to stop the Narmada dam project,
which was initially underwritten by the World Bank to the tune of $US450
million and still plans to build some 3,200 dams along one river system.=20

IN: "I want to start really personally =85"
OUT: "=85 but please say something."
DUR: 11'12

Millions of people are affected by the Narmada dam project, many are
displaced only to end up in India's city slums. As Arundhati explains:
"India' poorest people are subsidising the lives of the richest". The
people displaced are like refugees of a hideous war, and often conflict
arises between the poorest peoples as they fight over the "crumbs" they are

The Narmada project is often held up as being in the national interest and
essential if the country is going to "progress". Arundhati addresses this
issue and looks at just how development is measured in her country.
Finally, Arundhati expresses hope for the future of the Narmada valley and
the power of the people who fight it.=20

IN: "I feel like someone who's just stumbled on a mass grave =85"
OUT: "=85 World Bank knows about all the things, well, that the World Bank
knows about."
DUR: 12'15


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