The Stick Together Show

National community radio's weekly look at issues of industrial & workplace
The Stick Together Show is produced at the studios of 3CR, with the
assistance of the Search Foundation.
For details of where you can hear the program, see end of page.



Workers in Australia's Top End could be forgiven for feeling that they're
often left out of the national dialogue on matters of industrial relations
and workplace issues. Even the recent Senate Inquiry into Peter Reith's
2nd wave IR legislation never quite made it to Darwin, despite it being on
their original schedule. Workers and unions in the NT still put their
submissions, sending representatives south to appear before the Inquiry.

JANET KRUSE is Secretary of the NT Public Sector Union and was one of those
who appeared before the Senate Committee. She explains the specific issues
facing NT workers as she sees them.

And, far down south at the other end of Australia, a group of casual and
temporary contract workers are showing that it's not impossible to stand up
for your rights, no matter how precarious your employment situation.
Workers employed by labour hire firms at the Land Titles Office in
Melbourne are taking industrial action this weekend, demanding their
employment status be tranferred to the Federal award and that they be paid
accordingly. BREE CARLTON is a member of the Workplace Organising Committee
which represents workers at the office.

An urgent call has been put out for all workers and community activists to
rally at the titles office from 8am this Sunday [Nov. 15] to show your
support of the land titles workers action. Or ring the ASU office on 9342
3400 to make a donation or offer your support.

Australia has the 2nd highest proportion of casual and temporary workers in
all of the OECD. This issue is one which is of concern to unions and labour
movement bodies nationally. LEIGH HUBBARD [Victorian Trades Hall Council]
explains the significance of disputes like that at the Land Titles Office
for challenging the power of labour hire companies and increasing job
insecurity in a growing range of industry sectors.


For information / with information or to purchase tapes of the program,
Meredith Butler [Producer]
phone - (03) 9419 8377       fax - (03) 9417 2247
e-mail - [EMAIL PROTECTED] [please mark: "attention: stick together
post - STG, c/o 3CR, PO Box 1277, Collingwood 3066.

Where you can hear the show...Melbourne, on 3CR 855am, Saturday at 10.30am,
repeated Monday at 6am - Gippsland, on 3GCR, Thursdays at 11.30am -
Canberra, on 2XX, Tuesdays at 6pm - Katoomba, on 2BLU, Wednesdays at 5.30pm
- Omeo, on 3HCR, Tuesdays at 6pm - Adelaide, on 5UV, Wednesdays at 2pm -
Sydney, on 2SER. Wednesdays at 8pm - Brisbane, on 4ZZZ, Tuesdays at 1.30pm
- Woomera, on 5RRR - Perth, on 6RTR - Alice Springs, on 8CCC


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