The Torch is a play brought to you by the company that produced The
Essentials (about the crisis in the ambulance service) and Mechtron (which
was sponsored by the Australian Education Union).

It deals with themes of racism and nationalism, set against the backdrop of
the looming Sydney Olympics and, specifically, the arrival of the Olympic
torch in an isolated country community.

The company has worked with union members, public tenants, Aborigines and
others to produce the script.

The play opens at 7.30pm on Wednesday, November 24, at The Universal, 19
Victoria St, Fitzroy, for seven performances only.

Friday night has been nominated as trade union night (although everyone
else is still very welcome).

Trade Unionists for Land Rights is encouraging unionists and activists to
make group bookings ($15 each for eight or more, compared to $20 for a
standard ticket).

For tickets, contact the booking office directly on 9419 6098. But TUfLR
would appreciate knowing if your union or workplace is organising a group.
Email that information to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Please forward this to appropriate addresses and lists.


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