Green Left Weekly,
                                   Issue #386
                                November 24, 1999

Green Left Weekly provides news, information, opinion and debate from
an environmental and left perspective.

Featured this week: HELP REBUILD EAST TIMOR

The people of East Timor face an enormous job to reconstruct their
country, devastated by the
Indonesian army and its militias. Yet the common graffiti on burnt-
out buildings is, "Don't cry East Timor,
we will rise from the ashes".


    Help rebuild a free East Timor


    Government betrays East Timor refugees


    Ruddock revives white Australia policy
    Free speech, censorship and the left
    The Zapatistas: a new road to revolution?
    Organising women in Indonesia
    News briefs


    CFMEU and CARE in East Timor dispute
    Men's group opposes hiring women
    NSW teachers reject government `insult'
    Queensland anti-abortionists go on the rampage
    Cover-up revealed in police shooting
    Second wave legislation slammed
    `Dare to struggle' against anti-union laws
    News briefs
    Staff angry at university management's `contempt'
    Drug war `a smokescreen'
    Casuals strike in Land Titles Office
    NTEU wins coverage of general staff
    Newcastle art attack
    NSW health crisis highlighted in the Illawarra
    WA prostitution bill punishes the victim
    Gay and Lesbian service under threat
    Support for refugees
    Westmead nurses strike
    Labor privatises Trust Bank
    New centre for Resistance in Melbourne
    NSW councils to oppose reactor and waste dump
    Further threat to native title in WA


    New rail link will not save Whyalla
    Can the men's movement be pro-feminist?


    COSATU's hands tied by ANC alliance &&
    Capitalism brings `rampant sex bias'
    South American armies sniff a chance for power
    Students commemorate victims of military violence
    Friends of the Earth meet in Ecuador
    What's wrong about globalisation? &&
    The transition in East Timor
    East Timorese criticise UN role
    Dubliners demand: `Share the wealth!'
    Zimbabwe workers force health spending up
    Junta's links to drug dealers proven
    West Papuans plan independence protest
    Why the Chechen war? &&
    Vyborg workers defeat state militia
    Kuzbass Workers Council elected


    Radical publisher marks successful year
    The Liverpool dockers put their case
    Happy families -- not
    Changing rules of inheritance
    The CIA's covert cultural war
    Gales natural and human


    Editorial: Welfare through the looking glass
    Networker: Can the internet keep a secret?
    Arguments for socialism: Democracy and direct elections
    Loose cannons
    ... and ain't i a woman?: Why feminists aren't going away
    Looking out: Rats that might teach us something
    Life of Riley: Keep up the good work
    On the box
    Write on: letters to the editor
    Chris Kelly cartoon


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