Marxism 2000 conference: confident in the future of socialism

      By John Percy

      Whose century was the 20th, and whose century
      will the 21st be? As the millennium draws to a
      close, we should reflect on this.

      Capitalism is still in power across most of the globe.
      Capitalists in the imperialist countries have
      accumulated unprecedented wealth. They have
      previously undreamt-of military power and weapons
      of mass destruction at their disposal. Some think they
      can act with complete impunity, slaughtering millions
      in Iraq with bombs and brutal blockades or raining
      destruction on Serbia from a great height, free from

      Workers and the oppressed have certainly suffered
      numerous defeats this century. Capitalist ideologues
      celebrate 10 years of the collapse of Communism in
      the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe. They're
      relishing further assaults on the huge Chinese market
      as China's government proceeds apace with

      Some capitalist hawkers of get-rich-quick manuals
      are even convinced of ever-upward stock market
      prices. They think they've hit on the magic elixir of
      automatically generated wealth -- for the few, of
      course. They would seem to be riding high.

      Yet the 20th century in its broad sweep would have
      to be seen as a century of revolution, when the ideas
      and analysis of Karl Marx came into their own.

      There were revolutionary struggles in Marx's 19th
      century. Workers began organising and gaining
      consciousness of their class interests. But it was small
      scale compared to the breadth of class struggles in the
      20th -- general strikes, national liberation struggles,
      wars, revolutions and the Bolshevik Revolution, which
      almost spans the century and certainly exerted its
      influence on all its important political and social facets.

      Persistent contradictions

      The contradictions analysed by Marx that gave rise to
      those tumultuous struggles are still there. The gaps
      between rich and poor are widening, within countries
      and between countries. Fortress Europe, USA,
      Australia are pulling up the drawbridges against the
      mass of humanity sinking further into poverty, misery
      and oppression. Wealthy enclaves within US cities
      erect their own walls to keep the riffraff out.

      Struggles keep breaking out; they can't keep the lid
      on them. How could they, when the contradictions
      and inequalities are still there?

      The long struggle by the people of East Timor for
      freedom was finally rewarded, supported by masses
      on the streets in Jakarta, Lisbon, Melbourne and

      Even in Seattle, in the imperialist heartland, home of
      Microsoft and the world's richest man, 50,000
      demonstrated against the World Trade Organisation
      and all it symbolises. Futuristic-looking official thugs
      used the vandalism of a few to arrest hundreds and
      tear gas and viciously baton charge the thousands.

      It's a symbolic end to a century of struggle, and a
      portent for the century we're entering.

      Greatest thinker of millennium

      So it was totally appropriate that Karl Marx was
      voted the greatest thinker of the millennium in a poll
      conducted on the internet by the British Broadcasting
      Corporation in September.

      Marx best analysed the workings of capitalism, and
      has inspired thousands of liberation struggles and
      millions of workers and oppressed. Murdoch's
      Australian headlined its feature on the 150th
      anniversary of the Communist Manifesto two years
      ago, =93Why Karl Marx was right=94. Sometimes even
      the hired hacks of the big capitalists have to tell the

      Marxism is still not only relevant, but essential, for
      analysing, and providing a tool to fight, rapacious
      capitalism. The 21st century will undoubtedly be a
      century for Marxism.

      So the Marxism 2000 Asia Pacific Solidarity and
      Education Conference, initiated by the Democratic
      Socialist Party and Resistance, is very timely, and
      expresses a confidence in the future of socialism.

      It will be a multipurpose conference.


      Firstly, it will be a conference to promote solidarity
      and international collaboration between the left forces
      in the region.

      In this sense, it is a continuation of the extremely
      successful Asia Pacific Solidarity Conference in
      Sydney in April 1998. That conference was attended
      by more than 700 people, including 67 international

      With more than 50 international guests already
      committed to attend Marxism 2000, this conference is
      likely to match that level of international
      representation. Most of these guests are from the
      Asia Pacific region, but speakers are also coming
      from Europe, North America, Africa and the Middle

      (See the advertisement on the opposite page for a list
      of the international guests coming and countries
      represented at the moment. An updated list will be
      available on the DSP web site


      Secondly, the conference will play an important
      educational role for DSP and Resistance members
      and others attending. The DSP has traditionally
      organised a major gathering in early January,
      alternating between a delegated congress and a
      broader educational conference.

      These meetings have to provide a series of basic
      education classes for comrades, on the classics of
      Marxism, history, Marxist economics and philosophy.

      They also help organise and plan the tasks and
      perspectives for the year ahead. Reports analyse
      important developments in world and Australian
      politics, assess different areas of work and set future
      projections and priorities.

      The provisional agenda so far provides 15 plenary
      talks and panels, four major sessions and 92 talks,
      classes and workshops. The multiple choice talks are
      organised into 24 streams, the themes of which are
      listed opposite. The full list of talks is available on the
      web site, and will be updated in the lead-up to the


      Thirdly, the conference will be an opportunity for
      broader discussions, for looking at ways to renew
      socialism, to regroup the left, to convince new
      activists to join the movement.

      The conference agenda and the conference itself will
      be an opportunity for important debates, on issues
      thrown up by new developments in the class struggle
      in 1999, and on issues contested and unresolved for
      decades: the national question, Leninism, permanent
      revolution, Kosova, East Timor and perspectives for
      the student movement, the women's liberation
      struggle, solidarity campaigns.

      The conference will be overwhelmingly a gathering of
      activists: workers, students, young people involved in
      building parties and organisations and a range of
      campaigns and struggles.

      The conference won't have an academic approach,
      though there will be many academics there, and we're
      fortunate to have three very respected keynote
      speakers -- John Pilger, James Petras and Francisco

      But it will have a high level of political discussion, a
      real depth, because of its connection with real
      struggles and the serious level of commitment to
      fundamental social change by most of the participants


      A constant thread running through the conference will
      be internationalism. How should socialists organise
      internationally? How should we distinguish between
      forms and essence? What is internationalism?

      As Lenin pointed out, a revolutionary's first
      internationalist duty is to wage the struggle and build
      the party, and make the revolution, in one's own
      country. But we also have to work out how best to
      help other struggles win, how best to assist the
      workers and oppressed in other countries, how best
      to help other socialist parties develop.

      The conference will look at concrete ways of helping
      such collaboration: building solidarity, promoting joint
      work, common tours and projects, joint publishing
      activities such as Links magazine.

      We'll be working at learning from each other, through
      discussions, debates and collaboration. And,
      hopefully, we'll be reaching agreement on promoting
      and organising similar conferences in the region.

      The APSC 18 months ago was an exhilarating,
      enthusiastic experience, drawing high praise from all
      the international guests and participants. The seminars
      that seemed the most packed and appreciated were
      those that discussed important concepts of Marxism.

      This conference will cater to that felt need. Because
      we have five days, and comrades will be able to live
      on site, we'll be able to discuss in greater depth, have
      a thorough educational experience. It will be even
      better than 1998.

      The Sydney Olympics, scandal ridden and
      commercialised though it is, has tended to make
      Sydney somewhat of a focus for the year 2000.
      Marxism 2000, January 5-9 in Sydney, will make its
      own impact, and express a statement. It will express a
      renewed confidence in the ideas of Marxism, in the
      struggles of the working class and oppressed, and in
      the future victory of socialism, for the start of the 21st

      [John Percy is the national secretary of the
      Democratic Socialist Party.]

Democratic Socialist Party
PO Box 394, Broadway NSW 2008
TEL: (02) 690 1230
FAX: (02) 690 1381


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