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Earth Matters
Program 89a

Juliet Fox
3CR Community Radio
03 9419 8377
ComRadSat Program 10/12/1999
INTRO : "Hello and welcome to Earth Matters =85"=20
OUTRO : "... see you then."
DURATION : 25'55" (frogs til around 27'00")

NZ Greens win 6 seats and the balance of power
On November 27th New Zealanders went to the polls and initial results
showed the formation of a centre-left Alliance, with no Green Party members
having won a seat. But now the tide has turned and the Greens have secured
at least 6 seats in the new parliament, along with the balance of power.=20

Margaret Blakers is an advisor with the Australian Greens in Canberra, and
today she joins Earth Matters to discuss the revised results, along with
some of the key environmental election issues and how the results for the
New Zealand Greens affects Australia.
IN: "So Margaret =85"
OUT: " =85 as we go into the next century."
DUR: 8'10"

E.F.I.C - Australia's export credit agency
On the last day of November the Mineral Policy Institute and AidWatch
jointly launched a report into the Australia Export Finance and Insurance
Corporation or EFIC. Titled "Putting the ETHIC into E.F.I.C" the report is
a discussion paper on accountability and social and environmental standards
within the federal government corporation.=20

The report had the support of the Australian Green, the Democrats and the
ALP and is hoped to be the starting point for ongoing investigation into
the activities of one of Australia's lesser known entities involved in
large-scale overseas projects.

Today we hear from Nina Lainsbury of the Mineral Policy  Institute in
Sydney about just how influential EFIC is in its support of socially and
environmentally destructive projects, especially in the Asia-Pacific region.
IN: "And Nina =85"
OUT: " =85 a potential inquiry."
DUR: 11'45"
music break @ 6'55" for approximately 30"


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