Residents bring logging to a stand still

Monday Dec 13, 1999.

Otways residents and environmentalists shut down all eight logging
operations in the Otways forests this morning. A range of actions were
undertaken to prevent logging taking place, from picnics in logging areas
to the erection of tree platforms high in the forest canopy.

In its present form the West Victorian Regional Forests Agreement (RFA) is
totally discredited and unwanted by the majority of towns and communities
in the Otway and Surfcoast region. These communities want to see an end to
the clearfell logging and woodchipping of their forests.

The Otway forests provide domestic drinking water to over 250,000 people in
Western Victoria, yet half of the logging in the Otways occurs in the
catchments supplying this drinking water.

The economic future of the Otway/Surfcoast region is dependent on a growing
tourist industry worth over $300 million to the region annually. This
industry depends on the maintenance of the natural values of the region
including the forests now under threat from logging and woodchipping. The
future of the Otway forests is due to be decided by the RFA to be signed by
the State and Commonwealth in March 2000. (A B2K event).

call 03 5237 7439 for more information
O t w a y s   R a n g e s   E n v i r o n m e n t    N e t w o r k
An affilliation of Otway's residents, regional and Victorian
conservation groups, Community groups and campus conservation networks



DO NOT assume that any act of damage to logging equipment or logging
infrastructure is done by conservationists or members of anti - logging
groups. - Victorian Police (internal memo)


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