Welcoming the new millennium and the new century

The following statement was published in "The Guardian", newspaper
of the Communist Party of Australia in its issue of Wednesday,
December 15th, 1999. Contact address: 65 Campbell Street, Surry Hills.
Sydney. 2010 Australia. Phone: (612) 9212 6855 Fax: (612) 9281 5795.
CPA Central Committee: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
"The Guardian": <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Webpage: http://www.cpa.org.au>
Subscription rates on request.

The second millennium is coming to an end. It was a period of
enormous discovery and advances in societies throughout the
world. Steam power played an important part in the industrial
revolution. Scientists discovered that the earth was round, not
flat. Darwin's theory of evolution was advanced and dealt a heavy
blow at unscientific theories of natural and human development.
There were many other scientific discoveries. It was the period
of the renaissance. Feudalism came to an end in European
countries to be replaced by capitalist class rule and capitalist
societies. There were many peasant uprisings against feudalism
and capitalist exploitation and its destruction of the common
usage of land.

It was a time of discovery and long and dangerous sea voyages.
Marco Polo searched for a land route to Asia and Columbus
established the first link between Europe and the Americas. His
discovery was followed by the most savage conquest and
occupation. The Inca civilisation was brought down and many
indigenous people were massacred and enslaved. There was the
period of the African slave trade.

Scientific advances, discoveries and social developments were
taking place on continents other than Europe - in the Middle
East, China, in the Americas, Africa and elsewhere.

In this period new nations came into existence and the modern
working class emerged. In 1853, Karl Marx and Frederick Engels
wrote the "Communist Manifesto" and put forward a program to
bring an end to capitalist exploitation of one by another with
the objective of building a society in which the interests of the
working people were given priority. A great clash between
philosophies raged.

It was in this period too that the first steps towards the
widespread ecological and environmental destruction commenced.

As industrialisation developed, populations grew, land was
cleared for agriculture, towns and cities expanded,
communications were extended - often at the expense of the

The 20th century was a century characterised by its upheavals and
revolutionary changes.

With the overthrow of feudalism the new capitalist order was
established. It unleashed tremendous productive forces, at the
same time intensifying the exploitation of the masses of the

The free competition of capitalism's earlier period was replaced
by the development of monopoly, state monopoly capitalism and
now, the domination of giant transnational corporations.

Following World War I, which was a conflict between the main
imperialist powers, a new period in human society was opened by
the Russian Revolution of 1917.

It was the first successful socialist revolution and put on the
agenda the possibility and task of building a society with the
aim of fulfilling the economic and social needs of the working
people, rather than those of a minority ruling class.

A system of exploitation of the many by the few was brought to an

In what was a war-ravaged, largely illiterate and poverty-
stricken society, socialist ideas rapidly advanced in all spheres
of human endeavour - the economy, education, health care and
cultural pursuits. It replaced individualism with a collective
concern for all.

Instead of achieving its objectives by war, the socialist
government and state became the most consistent advocate of
peaceful relations between nations, the elimination of nuclear
weapons and universal disarmament. It introduced a new form of
democracy - a people's democracy.

The Russian revolution was followed, after the defeat of Nazism
in World War II, by further socialist revolutions in eastern
Europe, China, Korea, Cuba and Vietnam. Other countries also
began to thread the path of socialist construction.

The fact that the socialist society of the Soviet Union has been
replaced for the time being by a capitalist restoration does not
diminish the validity and achievements of the socialist
revolution of the Soviet Union and the countries of eastern

The century now ending also saw many calamities imposed upon the
people by capitalist crises and wars instigated by imperialism.

World War I, the Great Depression of the 1930s and other
periodical economic slumps, the monstrous fascist regimes of
Germany, Italy, Japan and a number of other countries and now,
the attempt to impose a New World Order dictated by the big
corporations of the western world, all show that capitalism
cannot fulfill the needs of millions of people who live in
destitution, homelessness and unemployment.

This century also brought dramatic scientific and technological
advances, among them the ability to split the atom and computer
and communications technology.

The scientific and technological achievements have lengthened the
life span of people overcoming many illnesses and plagues. All
the material needs of the people for housing, food, health care,
etc, can be produced. The means to preserve the environment and
the ecology have also been provided.

That these benefits are being denied to millions of people and
misused is not the fault of science but the economic and social
system of capitalism which diverts every human achievement to
enrich a very small number of super rich and to increase their
power over all others.

Scientific achievements have also been diverted into the
manufacture of devastating nuclear weapons capable of ending all
life on earth.

The century saw the spread of Marxism throughout the world and as
a result of this, those who wish to hold back human progress and
freedom have waged a ferocious campaign to combat, distort,
revise and lie about Marxism. Belief in a supernatural is spread
in many forms. The basest of human characteristics are

Instead of accepting the processes of change, the ruling classes
attempt to stop changes which threaten even in the slightest,
their rule over others.

Despite their efforts, however, the truths of the Marxist
understanding of nature and human society are steadily spreading
as the difference between what the ruling class says and what it
does becomes ever more apparent.

Another main feature of the 20th century was the overthrow of the
colonial system which had imposed foreign domination over many
countries and whole continents.

The inspiration of the Russian revolution and the defeat of
fascism in WW2, stimulated the national liberation struggles of
the people of former colonial territories who were able to win
their political liberation.

As the century ends, the dismemberment of the Soviet Union and
the victory of a capitalist counter-revolution has set back the
forward march of history for a time. The gains made by the Soviet
people and the former socialist states of eastern Europe are
being destroyed.

The imposition of economic rationalist policies in all the
capitalist countries by both conservative and social democratic
governments is also taking back the gains made by the working
people and their organisations in this century.

Democratic rights, working conditions, publicly owned enterprises
and institutions are experiencing a great offensive of take-back
by the transnational corporations and the governments which
represent them.

The people, particularly those in developing countries, are
experiencing mass poverty, unemployment and social degradation.

Environmental destruction is spreading as the blind grab for
profits endangers the climates of the world.

Natural resources are being plundered and soils devastated. Water
courses are polluted and forests cut down. Floods, drought,
fires, cyclones and melting snows are the consequence.

While socialism has suffered a grievous setback in a number of
countries, the capitalist and imperialist offensive failed to
destroy socialism everywhere.

The communist parties, which are the banner-bearers of Marxist-
Leninist ideas have survived the assault against them. Marxism
continues to extend its influence despite the ideological
offensive of the ruling class and those who either deliberately
or through ignorance, obscure the truth and attempt to re-write

As the new century opens, the working class which has grown
enormously in all countries in the past century is strengthening
its fight-back against the capitalist assault. Working class
internationalism is opposing transnational globalisation.

Disillusionment with the political parties of capital - whether
the outright parties of capital or those who promote social
democratic illusions - is considerable. Many are looking for an
alternative which speaks for and in their interests.

The concepts of the united front, of alliances and of
internationalism are being taken up as necessary forms through
which to rally all the progressive forces in society to oppose
the mean and destructive policies of the big corporations.

Countries threatened with a new colonialism, are struggling to
maintain their independence and freedom. This means adopting
economic and social policies which oppose the domination of the
International Monetary Fund, the World Bank and the World Trade

These are the international organisations by which imperialism
attempts to re-impose its control and domination.

The new century will see the continuation of struggle, - the
overthrow of capitalism and the construction of new socialist

The achievement of this objective demands that the social forces
opposed to capitalism be continuously strengthened. Together with
the working class, professionally trained people, small farmers
and small business men and women have a common interest in
opposing the control and domination of the big corporations.

It is vital that the Communist Party be also strengthened by
better organisation, by putting forward practical policies, by
applying Marxism and by combatting the ideology and misleading
arguments of the ruling class.

Some of the main policies around which many can be organised into
struggle include the maintenance and expansion of democratic
rights, the expansion of public ownership and the independence
and sovereignty of Australia and other countries, protection of
the environment and solidarity. Economic policies which improve
the living standards of the people must be advanced.

Another main task is to advance the ideas of the internationalism
of the working class, showing that in all countries the working
people have a common enemy in the transnational corporations and
the conservative political parties which represent them.

The Communist Party has an indispensable role to play in all
these struggles leading to a successful revolutionary transition
which commences the task of building a socialist society in

Socialist society calls for the establishment of working class
political power together with that of the social allies of the
working class. It means the implementation of policies which give
priority to fulfilling the needs of the ordinary people rather
than the profit interests of today's capitalist ruling class.

As well as helping to organise the struggles of the working
people, the Party has the main responsibility to spread far and
wide, knowledge of Marxism-Leninism and its enlightening and
liberating ideas. At every step, the false ideology and arguments
of the ruling class have to be combatted and exposed.

We confidently look forward to the future convinced that many
more countries will take the socialist path in the 21st century.


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