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Earth Matters
Program 90b

Juliet Fox
3CR Community Radio
03 9419 8377
ComRadSat Program 31/12/1999

INTRO : "Hello and welcome to environmental =85"=20
OUTRO : "... see you later."
DURATION : 26'30" (frogs til around 27'30")

Bob Brown on jobs and the environment

Australian Greens Senator was just one of a wide range of speakers at the
Earthworker No Jobs on a Dead Planet Forum. Held at Melbourne's Trades Hall
in November, the gathering took a timely look the issues surrounding jobs
and the environment.

Today on Earth Matters we hear Bob's address, as he also takes up the
intrinsic connection between environmental issues and social justice issues.
IN:"My evolution comes through =85"
OUT: "=85 into the next millenium."
DUR: 8'40"

Monsanto Quit India and Freedom Week
August the 9th, 1999, was the first anniversary of Monsanto Quit India day
- a day aimed at protesting against the activities of the multinational
company Monsanto in India. Monsanto is currently involved in trials of
genetically engineered crops, the patenting of plant species and strains,
and the "pirating" of indigenous food and food knowledge.=20

Today on Earth Matters we hear a repeat of the interview done shortly after
the week of action with Dr Vandana Shiva in New Delhi. Dr Shiva is the
Director of the Research Foundation for Science, Technology and Ecology in
India and is involved both in non-violent direct action against genetically
engineered foods and governmental legislating on the crops and foods of
companies such as Monsanto.=20


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