The Australia Cuba Friendship Society is hosting a public meeting for 
Otto Rivero Torres, First Secretary of the Union of Young Communists of 
Cuba and Cuban Minister for Youth.

The meeting will commemorate the 41st anniversary of the 1962 victory of
the Cuban people over the Bay of Pigs invasion carried out by 
mercenaries trained and armed in the United States.

Rivero will explain the current international campaign to free five 
young Cubans convicted and jailed in the United States today for 
defending their homeland from terrorists based in Miami.

He will discuss the central role played by Cuban youth in the expansion 
of education and culture in Cuba today through programs like the 
University for All.

Otto Rivero Torres

First Secretary of the Union of Young Communists of Cuba, Cuban Minister
for Youth

7 p.m., Thursday 18 April 2002

Room 33, Trades Hall

4 Goulburn St, Sydney

For more information contact: 9698 8119




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