Solidarity gathering - Latin America and the Struggle against Neoliberalism

Millions of people throughout Latin America are being dispossessed by
neoliberal economic policies, plunder from the west and repression from
within their own countries. But at the same time they are increasingly
challenging the system, their rulers and United States intervention in the
region. They are doing so while proposing, in practice, new and autonomous
ways of struggle through popular grassroots organisations.

In Sydney an event has been organised to show solidarity with Latin America
and the struggle against neoliberalism. Representatives from popular and
grass roots organisations will provide first hand accounts of their
experiences. This event will also be held a week later in Melbourne.
Special guests are: from Argentina - Hebe Bonafini, President of the Plaza
del Mayo Association (Mothers of the Disappeared); from Chile - Maria
Panchillo Neculhual, member of the Xeg Xeg Mapuche Development Corporation;
Columbia - Carlos Olaya, executive member of the National Food Industry
Workers Union. Also a video will be shown on the effects of NAFTA on
workers, farmers and indigenous people in Mexico.

The event will be held at the University of Technology (UTS) Sydney,
Guthrie Theatre, Building 6, Harris Street, Ultimo at 2pm Saturday, June
29, 2002. Entry is by $5 donation and food and drinks are available.
Organised by the Latin American Popular and Indigenous Network and the
support group for Argentina's Mothers of Plaza del Mayo.

For more information phone - 9698 8119 or 9558 7694


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