You will have noticed that, among the print media today, The Australian 
is the loudest and most persistent in calling for an oil war.
It talks endlessly about Saddam Hussein’s use of chemical weapons.
Let’s take a brief look at how The Australian covered the subject in 
March and April 1984, when chemical weapons were used against Iran.  You 
can find more examples at the various State Libraries.

1. It published stories that ridiculed the gas attacks as ‘fakes’.

See for example “Gas attack victims ‘fakes’”, The Australian, Monday 26 
March 1984, page 5.  The villain was identified not as Iraq 
(Friend-of-the-Month at the time) but as Ayatollah Khomeini’s Iran 
(Enemy-of-the-Month at the time).

The story claimed that “Iranians said to have been victims of mustard 
gas attacks in the Gulf war may only have been victims of a factory 

These imposters were “allegedly dressed in soldiers’ uniforms and sent 
to the West by Ayatollah Khomeini in order to whip up anti-Iraqi 
sentiment and, possibly, provide justification for a chemical attack by 

The Australian quoted an unnamed “Iranian refugee, living in Paris”, who 
“saw as many as 50 burned workers, still wearing overalls from the 
national petrol company, arriving at a military hospital in Teheran”.

The Australian’s prize source, the unnamed “Iranian refugee, living in 
Paris”, claimed that “the Ayatollah ordered the men be dressed in army 
uniforms and sent abroad for treatment”.

2. It published speculations that the evidence of chemical warfare was 
really “massive defecation flights” of honey-bees.  Seriously.

See for example “It’s honey-bees – not yellow rain”, The Australian, 30 
March 1984, page 7, in which The Australian quotes “a Harvard University 
biologist”, Professor Matthew Meselson, who “discovered that wild 
colonies of South-East Asian honey-bees perform massive defecation 
flights which can cover a swath thousands of square metres in area, with 
100 or more spots of yellowish faeces per square metre.”

A load of shit, in other words.

3. It extolled Saddam Hussein’s virtues.

See for example “The Gulf War”, The Weekend Australian, 31 March 1984, 
page 8.

The article claims that Saddam Hussein is “a brilliant orator – one 
diplomat in Baghdad says he speaks Arabic the way de Gaulle spoke 
French.  He also has the politician’s touch: Iraqi television endlessly 
depicts him cuddling babies and making jokes.”

The Australian spoke of Saddam’s “conspicuous concern for the Shi’ite 
community by ordering the renovation of shrines in the holy Shi’ite 
cities of Karbala and Najaf, at a cost of more than $200 million”.

In a long hymn of praise to the Ba’ath Party, The Australian noted that 
it “courted popularity since it came to power in 1968 by enforcing 
land-reform laws and using Iraq’s huge oil wealth (before the war it was 
the second biggest Arab oil producer) to improve living standards.

“Villages have been electrified, schools built, an adult literacy 
campaign launched and a free health service established.  Unemployment 
has been abolished by official decree and by creating unproductive jobs. 
  There is little visible poverty.

“Iraqi women are better treated than in many other Arab countries.  In 
the towns, women wander around freely in revealing Western clothes. 
More women are going to university and getting responsible jobs.

“As in Europe and the United States during World War II, the departure 
of men for the battlefront has opened up jobs for women.

“For the first two years of the war, the Government continued to pour 
money into development projects and subsidies on consumer goods”.

Other positives that The Australian saw in Saddam Hussein were that 
“[c]onsumer goods remain[ed] a priority: the Government does not want an 
uncomfortable, discontented population.  It imports large amounts of 
luxury foods – frozen chickens from Brazil, for instance.  The United 
States has provided $400 million worth of grain which is not yet paid 
for (my emphasis).

“Food distribution within Iraq is being liberalised: peasants are now 
allowed to sell their produce privately, rather than through the state 
distribution system.  Last year cucumbers were the only vegetable 
regularly available in Baghdad.  This year, almost all locally grown 
foods are available.

“The Government makes sure the army is kept happy.  Soldiers are getting 
fat on generous rations.  They are well paid, and their families get 
cheap housing.  Military heroes get material rewards like free cars and 
houses.  War widows are given handsome pensions.

4. When The Australian discussed chemical weapons, it did not single out 

See for example “Bans and ‘revulsion’ have not stopped use of chemical 
weapons”, The Australian, 18 April 1984.  The article reported that 
Egypt reportedly “used a Soviet-supplied nerve agent in Yemen between 
1963 and 1967.  There are continuing reports, which the Soviets have 
denied and some Western scientists questioned, that the Soviets are 
using mycotoxins in South-East and South-West Asia”.

The article did not even mention Iraq’s use of chemical weapons.

The article did not even mention the word “Iraq” in the story.

5. It editorialised in the most general terms about the need for an 
“investigatory body consisting of scientists from the more genuinely 
non-aligned and neutral nations”.  Nowadays, of course, it wants nothing 
to do with “scientists from the more genuinely non-aligned and neutral 

See for example, “World must act on chemical warfare” The Australian, 
Monday 12 March 1984.  An excerpt:  “But if there were an international 
tribunal or investigatory body consisting of scientists from the more 
genuinely non-aligned and neutral nations, there would be the 
possibility of confirming or refuting any allegations concerning the use 
of poisonous gas and other obnoxious methods of warfare.  This in itself 
may not stop the most callous and reckless of governments but it would 
act as some restraint against a proliferation of chemical warfare.”

6. The Australian saved its wrath for the real enemy – Australian unions.

For example, in its editorial of Monday 23 April 1984, it discussed 
chemical warfare – by claiming that “Vietnamese forces are using 
chemical weapons against Kampucheans who are resisting Hanoi’s 
occupation of their country” (“Banning chemical war”, Monday 23 April 

But it reserved its editorial outrage that day for union pickets on the 
construction of the new Parliament House.  In “Time to crack down on 
wildcat strikes”, Monday 23 April 1984, The Australian said: “It is 
disgraceful this sort of thing can go on without any penalties against 
the unions concerned...”

It urged the government to “get tough with militant unions who 
unnecessarily disrupt work sites and cause losses to the economy”.

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