Rev. Paul Sawyer addressing the 2002 General Assembly of the Unitarian
Universalist Association (USA & Canada) on the Palestine-Israel Conflict
and the United States "War on Terrorism"

Paul Sawyer, minister of Throop Unitarian Universalist Memorial Church,
Pasadena CA presented his position on this issue. He said, "In this year
of world crisis that hit the U.S. in the face, we see a culmination of
enormous military power that leaves almost 80% of the people of the
world impoverished. This resolution was passed by the UU Ministers of
the Pacific SouthWest District by a vote of 25 to 4 with 4 abstentions.
The use of international law, world courts, and the UN peacekeeping
force and the redirecting of the obscene amounts of money falling into
militarism.We UU leaders and other world religious leaders ask for your
support of these principles."

Hear Rev. Paul Sawyer speak on Peace, Globalisation and the Media from a 
progressive American perspective

At the Melbourne Unitarian Peace Memorial Church
110 Grey Street, East Melbourne (opposite Mercy Hospital)
Sunday Service 23rd March 2003 at 11AM
- "American Imperium or the United Nations"

Sunday Service 30th March 2003 at 11AM
- "Peace from a Religious perspective"

A short Bio of Rev. Paul Sawyer from Henry Kroll

Paul has been a dynamic leader in the Unitarian Universalist (UU)
movement within the United States and helped initiate Unitarian
Universalist groups in Russia on behalf of the UUA in the early 1990's.

I have known Paul for over 20 years during my active membership in the
San Francisco California Unitarian Universalist congregation.

He is one of the first leaders in our our movement to recognize the
importance and value to our society and culture of the dominating rule
that electronic media play in establishing values in our society.

He helped form the Unitarian Universalists for a Just Economic Community
which is now an international group of UU's looking at the issues of
Corporate Globalization which seems to many the underlying principle of
the "New World Order" established by the "Washington Consensus" since
the fall of the Soviet Union.

We know that many people in Australia are vitally engaged with this
problem and have participated in international conferences on this

Paul is one of the few people at least in our movement who understands
the relationship between the on-going support of Corporate Globalization
in the new model of "empire" and the ideological role of the MEDIA in
the United States.

Paul has also is quite active with the most dynamic interfaith group of
clergy, laity and community groups that I believe is functioning in the
United States on a regional level, namely Interfaith Communities United
for Justice and Peace (ICUJP) where he serves on their Media Committee.

I have been at international conferences of academics and journalists,
lawyers and historians where Paul is one of the few clergy leaders to
actively engage and confront the system of media control in the United
States and suggest remedies for MEDIA JUSTICE in the USA and around the
world with respect for the cultural sovereignty of all peoples.

 From my long 30 years in the television and radio world of public
broadcasting in the United States, I feel that Rev. Sawyer can provide a
refreshing up date to the people of Melbourne far beyond the
congregation of Unitarian Universalists and share with them the
experiences of working for PEACE in the United States, on the media
where Paul does WEEKLY RADIO COMMENTARIES for Public Radio in Los
Angeles (the 7th largest Metro Port in the World today) and his
participation at marches and rallies for peace in both San Francisco and
Los Angeles as sadly our nation is prepared by our government for
unprecedented type of warfare.

Peace. Shalom. Salaam.

Henry Kroll
Media Democracy  Legal Project
3450 Geary Blvd. Suite 208
San  Francisco, CA 94118 USA


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