A delegation of Cuban trade union representatives will be in Sydney as 
part of a tour organised by the Construction, Forestry, Mining & Energy 
Union (CFMEU). The delgation includes:

- Pedro Ross Leal, the General Secretary of the Cuban Confederation of
Workers, Member of the Cuban National Assembly & a member of the Central
Committee of the Cuban Communist Party

- Rafael Mesa Bravo, Secretary of the Cuban Construction Workers Union    &

- Hilda Chacon Bravo, the International Relations Representative (Asia
Pacific) for the Cuban Confederation of Workers

A dinner & talk sponsored by the CFMEU, the Australia Cuba Friendship
Society, Amigos de Cuba & the Committee in Solidarity with Cuba (Western
Suburbs) has been organised. Speacial guests will be Pedro Ross Leal,
Rafael Mesa Bravo and Hilda Chacon Bravo.

The details are as follows:
   Dinner & Welcome
   Topics include: -  International Workers Solidarity
                   - The future of Socialism in the World
                   - War, Peace & National Sovereignty

Date:     Sunday, March 30, 2003

Time:    6.00pm

Where:  Greek Community Club
              206 Lakemba Street, Lakemba

Cost:     $20.00 (dinner included)

Entertainment will be provided by Latin Band.
Seats are limited & bookings are essential. For bookings & further
information, contact Nick Rawson 0414 691 732, Hugo Nardini 9822 5891/ 
0408 964 953, Jodie Coleman 9749 0406 (for credit card bookings), Mara 
Ochoa on 9602 0450 or [EMAIL PROTECTED] or Joan Silk at [EMAIL PROTECTED]



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