The Malaysian government has declared that Tian Chua is being released,
after two years in detention without trial under the Internal Security Act

However Tian is still in jail, as the Malaysian government is stating 
that Tian still has a number of criminal charges pending

Malaysia still detainees many other people without charge under the ISA

Come to hear Toni Kassim, speak in support of the campaign to free Tian 
Chua and abolish the ISA

Toni Kassim is a respected Malaysian women's rights and human rights

Public forum on human rights
Thursday 5 June 7:30 pm
Activist Resource Centre, 14 Risley Street, Richmond North
Organised by: Amnesty International

Public forum on gender & human rights
Friday 6 June 2:30 pm
Room 239 Old Arts Building, Melbourne University
Organised by: Gender Studies, SAGES, Postgraduate Association

Dinner to welcome Toni Kassim to Melbourne
Friday 6 June 6:30 pm
Balti Indian Cafe, 126 Lygon Street, Carlton South
Organised by: AAWL

Australia Asia Worker Links
PO Box 264 Fitzroy Victoria 3065 Australia
Tel: 61 3 9663 7277   Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]   Web:
ABN: 82 920 590 967   Assn No: A1318


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