Defeating the US Empire : A whole day anti-war teach-in

by GLW + ASAP + CISLAC 7:33am Tue Dec 23 '03 article#37547
Sat, 10 Jan, 10am
@ Resistance Activist Centre, 23 Abercrombie St, Chippendale
phone: (02) 9690 1230 or 0421 322 175 or 0425 237 285

Featuring HUMPHREY McQUEEN, plus veteran North American anti-war and
socialist activists BARRY SHEPPARD and RICHARD FIDLER

Saturday, 10 January, 10am - 5.30pm
@ Resistance Activist Centre, 23 Abercrombie St, Chippendale
Transport: 8/5 min walk from Central Station / Railway Square - 200m from


10am Feature
Already a Century of War and Resistance
(Barry Sheppard, Richard Fidler)

11.30: Workshops
* What is imperialism?
* "Multitudes" and proletariat – who will change the world?
* Palestine: a road-map to liberation

1pm: Lunch

2pm Feature
The Collapse of Imperialism
(Humphrey McQueen)

3.30: Workshops
* Can you make a revolution without "taking power"?
* Defying Uncle Sam: Resistance in the Americas Today
* Youth and students in the anti-Vietnam war movement

4.30 Feature
A Guide to Regime-Change at Home
(Lisa Macdonald, Socialist Alliance National Co-convenor)

Organised by Green Left Weekly, Action in Solidarity with Asia & the
Pacific (ASAP), and Committees in Solidarity with Latin America & the
Caribbean (CISLAC)


IRAQ: Is the US empire invincible?


Seven months ago, when the US army rolled into Baghdad, the US war 
machine seemed invincible. The US rulers seemed to be in reach of 
realising their goal of conquering Iraq and using it as a secure base 
from which to establish imperial domination throughout the oil-rich 
Persian Gulf region.

However, Iraq has begun to turn into a nightmare for Washington. Instead
of being a stepping stone on the road to a "new American century" of
unchallengeable US global domination, Iraq has become a military 
quagmire, bogging the US army down in a bloody and unwinnable guerrilla 

For the architects of the US war against Iraq, the overthrow of Saddam
Hussein's regime was never about the reasons publicly used to justify 
the invasion - that the US was acting pre-emptively to ensure that the 
Hussein regime's alleged weapons of mass destruction did not fall into 
the hands of the al Qaeda terrorist network responsible for the 9/11 

Long before 9/11, the war hawks in US President George Bush's
administration had set their sights on an invasion of Iraq as the first
step in their grand plan.

'New American century'

During Bill Clinton's presidency, key figures in the present
administration - Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, Paul Wolfowitz and others 
- set up the Project for a New American Century think tank to promote 
within the US ruling class their post-Cold War strategy of "maintaining 
global US pre-eminence ... and shaping the international security order 
in line with American principles and interests" (as a PNAC document 
co-authored by Wolfowitz in 2000 expressed it).

The "new centurions" saw a US invasion of Iraq as the first step in
"shaping an international security order in line" with US political and
economic interests. "While the unresolved conflict with Iraq provides 
the immediate justification, the need for a substantial American force
presence in the [Persian] Gulf transcends the issue of the regime of
Saddam Hussein", Wolfowitz's paper stated.

Wolfowitz, who is now Bush's deputy defence secretary, recognised that 
the US public could not be convinced to support an invasion of Iraq 
simply to establish a massive US military presence in the Persian Gulf. 
That would be seen to be, and rejected as, simply a "war for oil".

Indeed, in 1975 when Cheney's and Rumsfeld's mentor, then US secretary 
of state Henry Kissinger, anonymously floated the idea of the US 
military seizing the Persian Gulf's oil fields and "bringing in Texans 
and Oklahomans to operate them", it was publicly ridiculed by most of 
the US ruling elite. When James Akins, who was then US ambassador to 
Saudi Arabia, read Kissinger's "Seizing Arab Oil" article, published in 
Harper's magazine under a pseudonym, he denounced its author as a "madman".

In his 2000 PNAC paper, Wolfowitz recognised that winning public support
for a series of unprovoked wars to destroy any and all regimes that 
might buck US control over the Middle East's oil wealth would depend on 
"some catastrophic and catalyzing event - like a new Pearl Harbor".

Wolfowitz, Rumsfeld and Cheney got what they wanted on September 11, 
2001. While most people were mourning the victims of the attacks on the 
World Trade Center, the Bush administration, led by vice-president 
Cheney and defence secretary Rumsfeld, began putting its plans for 
empire into action.

According to Washington Post reporter Bob Woodward, on the morning after
the 9/11 terrorist attacks, Rumsfeld urged Bush to authorise a US 
invasion of Iraq, Within days of the 9/11 attacks, Bush's national 
security adviser, Condoleezza Rice, convened a National Security Council 
meeting "to think about how do you capitalise on these opportunities to
fundamentally change American doctrine, and the shape of the world, in 
the wake of September 11th", as author Chalmers Johnson described it.

Bush doctrine

Within a year, the policy proposals of the PNAC had become official US
government strategic doctrine, being presented by Bush to Congress in 
his September 2002 National Security Strategy document. This document - 
which became known as the "Bush Doctrine" - spelt out the real reasons 
for the US "war on terrorism". "Our forces will be strong enough to 
dissuade potential adversaries from pursuing a military buildup in hopes 
of surpassing, or equalling, the power of the US", it declared.

Anatol Lieven of the establishment Carnegie Endowment for International
Peace in Washington described the document as a blueprint "for 
unilateral world domination through absolute superiority".

Washington's seizure of Iraq's oil is a crucial part of the plan. "If 
the United States controls Persian Gulf oil fields, it will have a
stranglehold on the world economy", Michael Klare, a US foreign policy
analyst and author of Resource Wars: The New Landscape of Global 
Conflict, wrote in the March 9 Toronto Star. The US rulers are betting, 
Klare added, that "controlling Gulf oil, combined with being a decade 
ahead of everybody else in military technology, will guarantee American 
supremacy for the next 50 to 100 years".

Toppling Hussein's regime was seen by the war hawks in Washington as the
first domino in a drive to reorganise the Middle East in accordance with
"American principles and interests". The next targets were Syria and Iran.

Seven months ago the plans of the war hawks seemed to be unstoppable.
Their blitzkrieg against Iraq had toppled Hussein's regime in less than 
a month and it seemed that it would not be long before the US army would 
be marching into Damascus and Tehran.

Soon after Washington's occupation of Iraq, the new US administrators in
Baghdad began implementing Kissinger's 1975 proposal to bring "in Texans
and Oklahomans to operate" Iraq's oil fields. Plans were drawn up to 
sell Iraq's state-owned oil industry to US oil corporations.

But the unanticipated guerrilla war of resistance in Iraq has slowed the
US imperial juggernaut. Instead of Iraq becoming a secure base from 
which to project power throughout the region, Washington is bogged down 
trying to "pacify" the country.

Opposition to the occupation of their country by foreign troops is 
growing among the Iraqi people. The official US version is that the 
guerrilla attacks are being carried out by the "remnants" of Hussein's 
regime. This is a lie that is becoming increasingly difficult to sustain 
as the resistance movement grows stronger and more confident.

What the resistance movement in Iraq is achieving is clear. It is 
showing once again that while the US military machine can easily occupy 
a poor Third World country, it is ill prepared to deal with a guerrilla 
war that is supported by a whole population.

In their war against the Vietnamese, the US imperialists had the 
military means to destroy the country many times over. But they were 
thrown out because US soldiers, witnessing the incredible determination 
of the Vietnamese people to resist them, did not want to be there. As 
the anti-war movement at home grew in strength and support, the fighting
morale of US troops in Vietnam collapsed and turned into open revolt.

If it were merely a question of superior arms, the US army could prevail
in Iraq. But an army is made of ordinary men and women, mostly
working-class young people, who did not join the army to get killed but 
to get a job and earn some money.

Since the US invaded Iraq, some 9000 US troops have had to be evacuated
for non-injury health reasons, a major one being "mental stress" - a
result of having to operate in a sea of hostility. In October, a survey
conducted by the US military's Stars and Stripes newspaper found that 
31% of US troops in Iraq thought the invasion of Iraq served no 
worthwhile purpose.

New Vietnam-type war

Back in the US, increasing numbers of people are turning against the
invasion and occupation of Iraq, realising that they were deceived by
their rulers and now face another long and costly Vietnam-type war.

A recent USA Today/CNN/Gallup poll found that 55% of US voters 
disapprove of Washington's handling of the post-invasion phase of the 
Iraq war. In the Vietnam War, US troops had been fighting and dying for 
more than three years before 53% of US voters said the war was a 
mistake, the November 18 USA Today noted.

A leaked report from the CIA station chief in Baghdad admitted that the 
US military's "inability to crush the insurgents is convincing growing
numbers of Iraqis that the occupation can be defeated, bolstering 
support for the insurgents", an anonymous "senior administration 
official" told the November 20 Philadelphia Inquirer.

The Bush administration has therefore ordered US commanders in Iraq to
massively escalate their assaults on the suspected guerrilla "bases". 
But it is in the nature of a guerrilla movement that it has no military 
bases. Guerrilla fighters attack and then disappear into the general 

This fact completely eludes the US military brass. Lieutenant General
Ricardo Sanchez, the top US general in Iraq, has dismissed any 
comparisons between the present war in Iraq and the US war in Vietnam. 
"It is not Vietnam", Sanchez snapped when asked by a reporter on 
November 11 whether Iraq resembled the early days of the US war in 
Vietnam. "And there is no way you can make the comparison."

According to the November 11 British Guardian, Sanchez went on to say:
"The most important message is that we are all going to get pretty 
tough, and that's what is needed to defeat the enemy, and we are 
definitely not shy of doing that when it is required."

This is why we have scenes on our television screens of US soldiers
breaking down doors of civilians' homes, handcuffing and blindfolding
terrified men, shoving women and their bewildered children and forcing
them to squat in the street as their homes are blown up.

The more the US military intensifies its brutal assaults upon the Iraqi
civilian population, the more the sympathy and support for the 
resistance fighters will grow among ordinary Iraqis. The CIA understands 
this. A recently leaked CIA report argues that stepping up 
"counterinsurgency" operations against suspected resistance sympathisers 
will cause more civilian casualties and push more Iraqis into supporting 
the anti-occupation insurgency. That is already happening.

The whole situation in Iraq is turning into the opposite of what the US
rulers envisaged. Instead of demonstrating the invincibility of the US
imperial war machine, the Iraq war is showing - just as in Vietnam 30
years ago - that a popular resistance movement is capable of 
successfully challenging the US empire.


- NORM DIXON:  Australia's military: 'rebalanced' for aggression
- JOHN PILGER: I know when Blair and Bush are lying - their lips move

>From Green Left Weekly, December 3, 2003 -->

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