jmglover wrote
          To show 1/2 siblings:-
In the family view, right click on a child's name, click 'view', and make sure 'show 1/2 kids' is ticked.

Renee specifically said that that is *not* what she is referring to.

My 2nd Great Grandfather married twice. When I view him on the Family page I see "2nd Great Grandfather" above his name. When I view the children of him and his first wife I see "Great Grandaunt/uncle" or "Great Grandfather" above the relative names.

When I view the children of him and his *second* wife I see "Half Great Grandaunt/uncle" above each one. I have not yet upgraded from build Renee is saying that she has upgraded to the latest build and is no longer seeing these "Half ..." labels.
Jenny M Benson

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