Let's hear it for LURKING.





[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Gary A
Sent: Sunday, 07 October, 2007 2:12 PM
To: LegacyUserGroup@legacyfamilytree.com
Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] Enough Already!


Geez people.....GIVE IT A REST!! 


I was in the process of composing my comments when the following two
postings showed up on the list. I agree with both. Like George, I'm pretty
much one to just lurk, making few comments, occasionally asking for help.
But this whole train of thought is getting tiresome.


I thought genealogy was supposed to be a F U N pass time hobby. As Jim notes
in his posting "most people here are patient and courteous and tolerant".
Well that can go only so far before a lot of us loose patience. Sherry, and
the other Legacy staff who monitor this list must have the patience of Job
in order to put up with all this. And, it seems from George's review of the
rules are MUCH more tolerant than they need to be as put forth in their own


There are those on this list that "loose it" when anything comes along that
is even ever so slightly "outside the box" and have no compunction in
stating their displeasure; whatever the 'sin'. "You didn't trim all the
previous threads off....it takes too long to download". "All the previous
threads were trimmed off - I have no idea what the thread was talking
about". "The reply was at the TOP - not the bottom". "The reply was at the
BOTTOM - not the top". Pleeeze.....give me a break. What difference does it
make. Talk about having to do things MY WAY....geez.


There are others who seem to think there are a series of "rules" that come
with LEGACY that must be followed to enter ANYTHING. "How do I enter
such-and-such so that it is correct?" "If I enter such-and-such
this-way-or-that" will it screw up how Legacy is suppose to work'. Hey, if
what you're doing works for you OK, go for it. Don't be intimitated into
thinking because you're not doing it the way "they" do it that it then has
to be "wrong". This is something you're doing for YOU....not THEM.


Then there are the "Unsubscribe" situations. God forbid you get mixed up
trying to do that! There are those who fly off the handle and treat the
individual like an idiot for not reading the instructions as to how to do
it. This list is composed of thousands of users worldwide with varying
degrees of skill in computer use as well as genealogy, and, probably English
as a language. Do these self proclaimed guardians of this list tell a child,
or grandchild, who's just trying to learn to walk and continually falls down
"Oh for heavens sakes, can't you do ANYTHING right. Just put one foot in
front of the other and WALK. I get so tired of having to tell/show you how
it's done!" I don't think so. If they do, then they're not someone I'd want
to associate with.


There's always going to be those coming on board Legacy who are beginners.
We were all in that situation at some point in our genealogical lives. We
need all the help we can get to answer basic questions...not berated by
others as implying you should know that in the first place. Isn't HELP is
what a forum is supposed to be for? We (newbies, or otherwise) don't need to
be berated, belittled or otherwise demeaned for our lack of or improper (and
innocent) use of "the rules".


Let's make genealogy FUN.  Don't think you have to be bound by what's the
PROPER way of doing something. If what you're doing works for you OK, go for
it. Most of us aren't going to be publishing something hoping for a Pulitzer
Prize for literature anyway


And, if Legacy doesn't do what YOU think it should, pick up your marbles and
go play somewhere else. There are plenty of us here who think Legacy fits
our needs just fine, considering genealogy/family history, a fun HOBBY to
work at - not something to be a life consuming, by the book, JOB. And there
are plenty of people who on this list who do stop to give a kind, gentle,
lending hand to those who need it. It's just a small minority who give the
whole list a black eye to newcomers.


That said, I'll pick up MY marbles and go back into the corner with George




On Sun, 7 Oct 2007 01:47:59 -0400 "Jim Keener" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>



I think every one's been quite patient with these people.  This same thing
seems to pop up every few weeks.  I think this is an excellent UG and most
people here are patient and courteous and tolerant.  I hope this stops soon.
This is a place to learn and share about the Legacy program.  If this
handful of people are so unhappy that Legacy respects the traditional family
then I think they should do as they keep threatening to do--leave. 


Thank you.


On Sun, 7 Oct 2007 09:12:57 -0700 "George Quinn" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

I've held my tongue long enough. I mostly just lurk in this group and don't
send messages. It's plain there are a lot of people who want a genealogy
program that allows same sex marriages. It's plain there are a lot of
people, including the folks who made Legacy, who don't want this to happen. 


I looked at the Legacy Users Group Etiquette rules and found this:

5. Please keep to the topic of Legacy and its add-on programs. This Legacy
User Group is maintained and administered by Millennia Corporation. It is
not a free forum for political messages, social commentary, religious
opinion, lectures on morality, etc.  Please don't send jokes,
advertisements, etc. Millennia Corporation reserves the right to remove
without warning any subscribers who violate purpose of this forum. 

I am surprised a whole lot of you on both sides of this issue haven't been
removed from the LUG! I really admire the patience and forbearance of the
Legacy staff.

Let's all stick to program issues and stop with all the rhetoric that has
nothing to do with the purpose of this group.

I am not a homophobe, I just want to do my genealogy using Legacy, so enough

Thank you,

George Quinn


P.S. Maybe those people who aren't happy with Legacy should shop around for
another program and unsubscribe themselves from the LUG.

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