Hello again Legacy,
I have been lurking now for a few months and though the recent posts concerning 
OS and genealogy programs were something I could comment on.
Back in the early part of this year I decided to begin weaning my self off Win 
98 and begin exploring OS and genealogy programs. I had been a Win 98 and FTM 
V.11 user. I have worked on Linux and Win XP and because I haven't come to a 
conclusion as to what the best genealogy program is for me, I am still using 
FTM V.11 but now on Win XP. (Legacy  definitely works better on Win XP 
than on Win 98.)
If Legacy became compatible with Linux, developed import filters that allowed 
import direct from program specific files including FTM as doses TMG and offers 
an option to create footnotes at the end of the page as TMG does, then Legacy 
will have a new deluxe customer. 
For now I am still trying to find the easiest way to convert my corrupted V.11 
files to Legacy with out having it completely fragment my file. I should note 
here that Gramps, (a free Linux user built program also available 
experimentally for windows), produces a near perfect import of my presumed 
corrupted FTM v.11 files in, GEDCOM formate. TMG is second near perfect with 
the ability to import directly from FTM files with out converting it to the 
problematic GEDCOM. (Something that might have been useful in opening that 
FTM  2008 back-up file being discussed.)
But with all the fuss involved, I will continue with FTM until I have finished 
the large projects that I have going and start the newer smaller files in both 
Gramps and Legacy. I keep up with the messageboards for all three programs. 
I agree that despite the do-able learning curve in TMG, it is clunky, slow and 
cumbersome and it is somewhat based on an old formate the may well date back as 
far as the old Atari days (not sure about that). I don't have a problem with 
appearances since all but FTM allow for easy customizing. I am not interested 
in Charting, Mapping and uploading to a Website at this point. For my purposes 
all have something that will do. I do like the ability to quickly create and 
copy a simple descent tree in FTM for quick sharing and prefer its report 
format the best. However, I have decided that it may be best to use the reports 
with sources as a beginning draft in my word processor and customize my own 
stile report. (I haven't found one that I am 100% happy with). I also for this 
propose like the FTM option to print sources in line and attached to individual 
facts allowing for customized footnoting and subscripting on a page by page 
Although, Legacy and Gramps should really not be compared, I find both to be 
somewhat between FTM and TMG. I am looking foreword to trying the new Gramps 
V.3 and Legacy V.7 later this summer. I may have some new thoughts at that 
I hope my thoughts and observation here are taken constructively and applied to 
future Legacy improvements. 


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