What e-mail programs allow for threads, even if the board does not?  Are any
of them free or cheap? Many people on this list have asked about this option (at least in part) for this LUG - if a reader on the PC will do that trick, it could help a lot of us.

----- Original Message ----- From: Mary Fowler Leek
To: LegacyUserGroup@legacyfamilytree.com
Sent: Tuesday, July 01, 2008 8:14 AM
Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] New topic


THANK you for this very informative post. I've been doing (hi-jacking)
forever and never knew it was a bad thing to do. I use Outlook Express so
was totally unaware of the effect of my action.

Will cease and desist immediately, unless I intend to reply to the thread
(like now). :-)


From: Dave Naylor

On 30 Jun 2008  Robert57P via Gmail wrote:

Why is the below "bad"?  Actually, I try to remember to: hit reply
change subject delete unrelated info in body of the msg

> If you want to start a new topic you should *not* just hit Reply and
> change the subject line but should start a new thread with a new
> e-mail.

It's "bad" because your message is still linked to the original
thread by its header information.  Thread-linking mail readers will
show your (new subject) message as a continuation of the thread that
you replied to.  This is called hi-jacking a thread.

To start a new thread/subject you must create a new message addressed
to the list and not "reply" to any list messages.

Your message's headers show that you are using M$ Outlook Express
6.0.  If you were using a good mail reader that the had extended
features the problem would be apparent.

Cheers, -- Dave N.
 David Naylor, Halton Hills, Ontario, Canada.
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