
This is almost exactly what I do except in the long description I put the
address in parentheses () right after the city or town.  The same thing with
a hospital name for birth or death, church name for religious events such as
baptisms and marriages, and cemetery name for burial.  They sort better in
the Master Location List and I can map exactly to the location.

The short description is just as you have it.  I also use the short
description for reports and my web pages.


-----Original Message-----
From: [] On Behalf
Of Cathy Vallevieni
Sent: Friday, January 30, 2009 10:48 PM
Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] Need overall help

I realize you are working with English towns, and I've mostly worked 
with specific addresses in USA towns, but here's my 2 cents worth:

For places that I want to know exactly the address and that I want to 
map to that exact address, I enter them in the long description 
as:  City - 123 Main St, County, State, Country

And in the short description field I enter:  123 Main St, City, State 
(usually abbreviate the State to CA).  This looks better on reports 
so I always select "Use Short Location Names" for reports.  If the 
use of the report requires the full city, county, state, country for 
some reason, that can be selected for that specific report.

The reason for reversing the city and street address in the long 
description is so it can be found when looking at the Master Locations List.

I sometimes even put the name of the cemetery or the name of the 
church where they were married instead of the street address and plot 
it to that location (don't have to only use the address).

Many don't like muddying up the locations with the street address but 
I like seeing where they were born, lived, married, buried, etc.  I 
also can see how close different family groups lived to each other, 
etc.  Sometimes I can even get an idea if they were doing better or 
worse as the years went along by looking at the neighborhoods on the 
map. I also like seeing if they lived downtown or in the tenements or 
lived in the country or in a rural area and may have lived on a 
farm.  In one case, the family story was the house was "on a hilltop" 
(and upscale).  Turns out it was close to downtown and not on a hill 
at all.  In another case the family story was the husband walked to 
his store each day but the address I had was far from the store 
location.  After more research, I found a different address in a City 
Directory that was 3 blocks from the store location which I felt was 
the correct address.

If it's an indirect relative, I will put the address or name of 
cemetery or church in the + address field instead of in the main 
location field because I don't care about mapping them or creating 
more locations on the Master Location List.

Cathy Vallevieni
Orange County, CA

At 06:16 AM 1/30/2009, you wrote:
>I'm not new to genealogy, but  I feel like I am so snowed under with 
>legacy 7. I had been using FTM since it came out, but was not happy 
>with their new format, so wanted a change. I have been reading the 
>book, reading the emails and now I'm just going to ask for help from 
>you all, I really want to start, but find I am having difficulty 
>finding, or perhaps adjusting.
>The  Master Location listing, I understand the logic behind it, (I'm 
>working my English side) you have the mapping system, why just put 
>the village and country, it could be a large village and if you 
>wanted to visit or see what was actually around that area, just 
>having the name of the village makes it harder? I have started 
>putting the whole address down, so that I can see where the location 
>really is, has anyone else done this? Comments please.
>Picture gallery, I can't move  a pictures from one field to another 
>in the picture gallery?
>I would really love to have a Legacy buddy to help me with these 
>problems I am having. Thanks for listening.

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