Bert van Kootwijk wrote:
One of the reasons can be that the programmers in their wisdom had decided that the center of the balloon indicates the correct spot. As the balloon has a point people think that the point of the balloon points to the correct spot. That is normal behaviour, I think. I complained many times about this problem. As far as I know the staff and programmers donot think it is worth to change the indicated spot from the center of the balloon to the point of the pin.

In my opinion this is a very major bug, but they think else.

Er no, Bert! That's a Microsoft VirtualEarth bug! All the API allows the programmers to do is say they want a balloon at a specific point on the map. VitualEarth actually displays the balloon in what it thinks is the correct position on the map.

The points are based on latitude and longitude co-ordinates in the Legacy Location list entries. I would suggest that Kay checks that her co-ordinates are correct before lambasting the program.

Mike Fry

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