Be aware that if you have attached any media to your family file that those
images are in a different zip file that has the "family file name-media" in
the zip file name. So you would have to send them that file also and they
would have to Extract those files to their C: drive, as legacy stores the
directory path name with the file. So if you have your images in subfolders
to your main image folder then it will create those directories if they do
not exist on their drive (that is why it is better not to store images that
you use for Legacy in the my pictures folder that windows creates as the
path to my documents and my pictures folders are unique to your user name.)

If you do not care if they have the images to the file then just send the
one zip file. All of this info can be found in the help files under Sharing
family file topic

-----Original Message-----
From: Cathy Pinner
Sent: Wednesday, May 21, 2014 11:23 PM
To: legacyusergroup@LegacyUsers.com
Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] [1][1][1]....????

No question is silly if you don't know the answer.

It doesn't matter where they save the zip file so long as they can
navigate to it with the Legacy File > Restore dialogue. So they have to
know WHERE it is but it doesn't matter where it is.

They should choose a sensible place to save the restored file - like
C:\Legacy\Data which is the default folder for Legacy 7.5. That it's the
default folder doesn't necessarily mean saving in that folder is
automatic. Remind them to look at where the file is going to be saved
before clicking the Save button. Different versions of windows have
slightly different layouts for this dialogue but they all include an
address bar of some sort showing where the file will be saved and the
means for changing this place.


> elizabeth <mailto:newi...@gmail.com>
> Thursday, 22 May 2014 10:45 AM
> One final (I hope) silly question, but I want to make sure I do this
> correctly...
> When they receive the .zip file, should they save it to the
> C:/Legacy/Data file or to the C:/Legacy/Backups file......or doesn't
> it matter where they save it?
> Elizabeth
Russell G. Strong
P. S. Check out Legacy Family Tree today! This full featured genealogy
program can be downloaded FREE at
Oh so many branches and not enough time to check out all the roots!!!.
Check out my Genealogy Pages at http://www.rgstrong-genes.com .

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