If you opened it from within Legacy 7.5 there is no way that it would ask
you to convert it to Version 8, however it may as you to convert it to the
current version 7.5 if the file was created in an earlier version of the sw.
Which is what mine just did and converted it to the format of the current vs
of 7.5. Are you sure you tried to open it from 7.5 and not ver 8?

-----Original Message-----
From: R G Strong-genes
Sent: Sunday, June 22, 2014 12:57 PM
To: legacyusergroup@LegacyUsers.com
Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] Converting to v8

Open v7.5 then open the file from within the program. If you have v8
installed then windows has set that program as the default program to open
your genealogy files when you double click them from windows explorer.

-----Original Message-----
From: singhals
Sent: Sunday, June 22, 2014 11:26 AM
To: legacyusergroup@LegacyUsers.com
Subject: [LegacyUG] Converting to v8

I tried to open a v 7.5 database *IN* v7.5, and couldn't.
Why not?

I've got v7.5 installed where *I* wanted to put it, and v8
installed where *it* wanted to go.  Until yesterday, I could
still open v7.5 and use it.  Yesterday, I opened it, found
the database I wanted and double-clicked.  My options were
Abort, copy and convert to 8, just convert to 8. I chose abort.

NOT a merry man NOR a happy camper about that.


Russell G. Strong
P. S. Check out Legacy Family Tree today! This full featured genealogy
program can be downloaded FREE at
Oh so many branches and not enough time to check out all the roots!!!.
Check out my Genealogy Pages at http://www.rgstrong-genes.com .

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