Yes, since she mentioned that she didn't want to reenter them I would assume
she meant that her sources were her templates that were filled in.

-----Original Message-----
From: singhals
Sent: Friday, August 29, 2014 10:15 AM
Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] Sources from one project to another?


Won't that move what sources Marie entered in the other
file, not /just/ the template for data-entry?


Cathy Pinner wrote:
> Hi Marie,
> The sources of course will be converted to version 8 when you convert
> your various files.
> However, I think you are asking how you copy the Master Source list from
> one file to another as the files have a related topic even though the
> people aren't related so that they use many of the same sources.
> When you are in the file you want to copy sources to, go to View -
> Master Lists - open one of the Master Lists (may as well be sources
> since that is what we're talking about but it doesn't matter).
> When in the Master List, click Options and choose Import
> That will open a dialogue where you specify the Family File from which
> you want to copy the list and a place where you tick the lists you want
> to import. So you can import a Location list and/or Event Definitions
> etc as well as the Master Source list.
> For more help, click the Help button on that dialogue or search the Help
> index using Import and look for lists/Master lists in the sub-topics.
> Cathy
>> Friday, 29 August 2014 11:03 AM
>> I have a variety of projects (I'm still working in 7.5). I want to
>> move several volunteer projects, that I'm working on for the NJ
>> Maritime Museum, into V8. They are not related people so I have them
>> in separate files.
>> They are actually people on ships wrecked off the coast of NJ. How can
>> I move my source templates (I don't use source writer) from one
>> project to another without having to re-enter them all?
>> I've tried a split screen, which works, but it's very time consuming
>> and this is all done as a volunteer. I hope there is a faster way.
>> Also considered running all the names as one project but that didn't
>> seem appropriate.
>> Any suggestions?
>> Marie
>> Marie Varrelman Melchiori, CG, CGL/
>> Melchiori Research Services, L.L.C./

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