I don't know how you are doing it, but when you open the master location list you can combine more that one at a time by holding the cntrl key while you highlight the ones you want to combine. Once they are all highlighted then you can click on the combine with button and select the one you want them to merge with. I have never had any error problems in any of the op systems you use and now use 10 with no problems.

-----Original Message----- From: Steve Hayes
Sent: Tuesday, March 22, 2016 11:28 AM
To: Legacy User Group
Subject: [LegacyUG] Combining locations in Lecacy 8

I'm having problems combining locations in Legacy 8.

Paradoxically it seems to work faster on my slower desktop computer with
Windows XP than on my faster laptop (with more RAM) running Windows 7.

On the laptop machine, particularly, it keeps popping up error messages. It
pops up something to tell me that there is no such county as La Salle county
in Illinois (I know that, that's why I was trying to combine it with an entry
that had Lasalle county).

Then every time I combine two locations (with slightly different spelling or
punctuation) it tells me that there is an error and I must run file

Earlier versions of Legacy performed this operation much faster, without all
the annoying popups, and waiting ten minutes for it to locate the location.

Is there any way of at least turning off the popups, and of combining several
locations at once without having to run file maintenance after each one?

Steve Hayes
Phone: 083-342-3563 or 012-333-6727
   Fax: 086-548-2525

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