Hi John

I quite agree, Legacy will be stuck with ANSI until they rewrite it. Given that there is also pressure, from its users, for a Mac version, and presumably a Linux version, they have a need to develop a new program and database that is multi-OS compatible. Hopefully, with the support from MyHeritage, this will happen, but MH also owns Family Tree Builder so it might put pressure on merging with it.



------ Original Message ------
From: "John Cardinal" <jfcardi...@gmail.com>
To: "Legacy User Group" <legacyusergroup@legacyusers.com>
Sent: 27/11/2019 14:26:14
Subject: Re: [LegacyUG] Using special alphabet characters in Legacy


During my 41-year career I've been a software developer, software architect, and CTO, including a five-year period where my team developed commercial applications in VB6. Since 1999 I've had a couple of side-project applications implemented in VB6. My focus now is .NET. As discussed on the site you mentioned and others, there are challenges to implementing Unicode-aware VB6 applications. Other sites describe how to meet those challenges. A couple techniques we used were Unicode-aware component packages and TLBs for access to wide-character functions. Perhaps the technology infrastructure Legacy uses has an ANSI-only component baked-in and switching it out would require a rewrite-level effort. If so, they'd never rewrite in VB6 now so the effective result is "we can't support Unicode until we abandon VB6".


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