2009/8/12 John Smith <delta_foxt...@yahoo.com>

> I don't think you fully understood me, we're not trying to work out from
> other maps what roads don't exist, we are trying to tell mappers that come
> after us that a road they see on a map doesn't exist and don't waste your
> time trying to map non-existing roads.
I think I do now. As Vincent stated, I don't believe that OSM should contain
non existent roads that are actually way to identify copyrighted data; that
would be imported that said copyrighted data in OSM.
You may want to use OpenStreetBugs or develop an alternate repository for
OSM marking those roads and putting them as a layer in a website with the
OSM data. That way you wouldn't mess with copyrighted data in OSM.
I don't think there are tools to solve your problems, as your problem is
quite rare compared to denser areas like Europe. People with good mapping
coverage and low density might end up having the same trouble as you, so you
may want to look at building that tool and/or trying to get people to build
it for you.
Regarding the STRM data, you are correct, but the new data from NASA is
actually better even if we cannot import it. It would be good for you to
test some scenarios.

Emilie Laffray
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