On 12/07/10 16:52, Liz wrote:
Now Gerv, what is your lower limit?
number of contributors overall?
number of active contributors
quantity of data?

I do not accept that a decision can be made without the numbers being set

OK, let's say we do what you say. I define my limits, you define your limits, every single member of the LWG defines theirs, lots of other contributors do too. We now have a big pile of limits.

Then, we actually do the process. It turns out that we've got more contributors than 97% of people's limits, but only more data than 83% of people's limits. What's the limit on the percentage of different people's limits that we have to pass? What are the limits on the limits? Do we then have to have another poll to decide what different people's opinions are on the limits for the limits?

Please, can't you see that this would lead to an entirely unproductive multi-month argument, and no useful progress being made?


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