On Sun, Aug 22, 2010 at 8:34 PM, Richard Weait <rich...@weait.com> wrote:
> That's an open question for the lawyer that wrote the CT.  In casual
> conversation with one lawyer ("casual" as in I wasn't paying the
> lawyer) I was told that legal-English is not FORTRAN and the or is not
> required for legal-English syntax.  This one lawyer does not trump the
> OSMF lawyer, this is just one data point.

What jurisdiction(s) did that lawyer practice in?

Also, did you get a chance to ask him if the second sentence (*)
applies "If You are not the copyright holder of the Contents"?

In any case, as a contract of adhesion, the courts are likely to
interpret the contract in favor of the non-OSMF litigant.

(*) "You represent and warrant that You are legally entitled to grant
the license in Section 2 below and that such license does not violate
any law, breach any contract, or, to the best of Your knowledge,
infringe any third party’s rights."

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