
> So in short, my question is if it is possible to use OSM to create a
> closed layer, and keep the data in that layer accessible only through my
> service? 


If the closed layer you have your users create is in any way "based" on
OpenStreetMap, then we would call that a "derived database", and you
would have to release it under the same free license that OSM comes under.

This would for example be the case if your users drew areas onto the map
and added information to them, for example something like "This area is
a pleasant area for taking a walk". Because your users would actually
incorporate the geometry they see on OSM into your new layer, the data
would be derived from OSM.

It would be a different thing if the data that your users generate was
created without using the OSM base map as a reference. For example, if
your user pushed a button on their smartphone that says "the GPS
location where I currently am is really a pleasant spot for taking a
walk", and you would then collect these nuggets and generate data from
them, and then just *display* your independently generated data on top
of OSM. In that case, your layer would not have to be released because
OSM was not used in creating it.

Was that layperson friendly enough?


Frederik Ramm  ##  eMail frede...@remote.org  ##  N49°00'09" E008°23'33"

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