Am So, 13.03.2016, 13:18 schrieb Simon Poole:
> Which covers what Christoph has already pointed out, I'm not sure why we
> would want to differentiate between maps and other produced works as you
> suggest.

Good example, thanks. Check this quote from the Guideline:
"If the published result of your project is intended for the extraction
of the original data, then it is a database and not a Produced Work."

One could write "This map is intended for extraction of the original data.
The extraction has to be released under ODbL etc.". Then other clauses,
like 4.5(b) doesn't come in, since they're for "Produced Works" only.

Since the released map isn't a produced work then (according to the
Guidline's text), one doesn't need to release the underlying database,
since the released work *is* a database already.

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