Hi Kirk -

    uh oh.   You mean that all I had to do was install the NXT-G software and 
he could start using it?   okay....

   Um...at this point I think we've flashed the firmware on the NXT, but there 
is no menu when he pushes the orange button in the middle.  How do I get the 
NXT back to a point where it has an on screen menu so he can use it?   

Is it possible to go back now?


----- Original Message ----
From: Kirk P Thompson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Robin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>; "lejos-discussion@lists.sourceforge.net" 
Sent: Tuesday, February 12, 2008 5:09:23 PM
Subject: RE: [Lejos-discussion] Need help setting up NXJ software for NXT

Sounds like a PATH issue…
Maybe you should just use the NXT-G software that comes with the NXT set to get 
him started….
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Robin
Sent: Tuesday, February 12, 2008 14:31
To: lejos-discussion@lists.sourceforge.net
Cc: Robin Houseman
Subject: [Lejos-discussion] Need help setting up NXJ software for NXT
hello -
     I humbly request your assistance.   My son received an NXT for Christmas.  
 I've tried for a month and half now to install the NXJ software on our 
computer and failed.    I've read everything I can find in the online    
support and am still stuck.
    Here's what I've done so far:
    1)Installed the NXJ software
        being new to this...I updated the firmware on the NXT at this point.   
Is this okay???
    2)installed libusb filter driver
    3)setup the variable NXJ_HOME and added it to the system PATH variable, as 
well as, %NXJ_HOME%/bin
        I'm very confused about java.  I've read some places where I need the 
        and someplace else that I need the JAVA JRE.   I read one place I need 
to add JAVA_HOME to the
        system PATH variable,  and another place that I do not.   I currently 
have jre1.5.0_9 installed
        In either case,   when I attempt to run
        nxjc tune.java
        I get the error message:
        javac is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable 
program or batch file
      I've tried to run this command: ( nxjc tune.java)
      1- with java sdk installed
       2-uninstall java sdk, and install jre
       3-with java_home defined,   and without java_home defined.
       in each scenario - I get the javac not recognized.  
       I attempted to register on the lejos.org this afternoon, and got the 
message the page couldn't be displayed.
      My son would really like to use his NXT.   Please, please, please help me 
get the software setup for him.

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