On Apr 1, 12:11 pm, "Ville M. Vainio" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Tue, Apr 1, 2008 at 7:04 PM, Edward K. Ream <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I don't think you should spend so much time with distutils - it kind
> of expects that it's used "as it's supposed to", and fooling around
> too much can cause problems later on (e.g. in different platforms).

I agree.

> I think that setuptools is a much better bet:
> http://peak.telecommunity.com/DevCenter/setuptools

Thanks for this reminder.  I've looked at it in the past and it looked

But then, don't users have to install setuptools first?

Actually, I'm starting to think that the whole "official release"
business is so "last year" :-) I'm tempted just to "release" leo on
> Also, if you want to debug it, there's a much better chance of getting
> your code/feature requests in.

Oh, I have little interest in actually debugging or changing other
people's code--but the debugging attitude can be very liberating.
> > Duh!  leo.__init__.py is not sufficient to start Leo!
> You have to do:
> import leo.src.leo
> leo.src.leo.start() # EKR: should be leo.src.leo.run()

leo.src.leo.run() fails: g.app isn't defined in the plugins.  No doubt
this is a subtle import problem.  At least I'm debugging my own
code :-)

I think your suggestion to change leo/src to leo/core is a good one.
I suspect, though, that making Leo into a proper package, with 'core'
and 'plugins' (etc.) subpackages, probably should wait until 4.4.8
final.  Would that be a hardship for you, Ville?

> And indeed, you don't even have to copy the files to site-packages;
> you can try creating a "launchleo.py" script in leo root folder, and
> see what you have to do there to get going. Kind of like the
> ipython.py in the IPython source distribution root directory.
> setuptools also supports "python setup.py develop", which acts like
> the package is in site-packages, even if it isn't.

Interesting.  Again, copying leo by hand to site-packages was just an
experiment.  It succeeded :-)

Well, my head is spinning with all the options.

What do people think about requiring bzr to get Leo.  Is that too
leading edge?

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