On Apr 12, 1:00 pm, "Edward K. Ream" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> These files are now fixed files on the trunk.  I also added a log
> message saying that the file is a fixed file.

Standing in the shower after a workout I had several interesting

1. It might be useful to support @bool all-leo-files-are-fixed.

Especially in an environment in which all .leo files are under control
of bzr.

2. There is a better way than toggle-fixed-file: the file-write logic
will scan for an @bool fixedWindow node.  Changing that node will
immediately affect whether future saves are as fixed or unfixed
files.  I shall certainly do this.

3. I suddenly had a truly interesting thought, a concatenation of 2
and 3.  What if *all* files could be made "fixed" and yet retain the
advantages of unfixed files?  Indeed, it is easy to do: simply create /
home/.leoDB.py, containing all **inessential** info in all known .leo
files: marks, expansion states, window positions, presently selected
node, recently opened files.  Etc.!  Rather than writing inessential
info to .leo files (or leoRecentFiles.txt, etc.), the info would be
written do Python data structures in .leoDB.py.  It's sweet: we get
the advantage of fixed files while retaining nice-to-have info.
Indeed, it will soon become annoying not to have the info "thrown
away" in fixed .leo files.

BTW, this scheme will work because no **essential** info will ever be
part of leoDB.py.  All essential info must reside either in thin
derived files or .leo files.  So we can not move any "hidden
machinery" to leoDB.py--it's essential to reading thin derived files


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