Today I wanted to continue some work I started a few weeks ago.  I remember 
clearly what I did.  But I can't remember the outline, and I have not 
succeeded in finding it even with the help of FileLocatorPro (a terrific 
Windows program).  Somehow, the Recent Files list hasn't helped either.  
Other times I've been able to find the outline but not easily.

I wondered if it would be useful to have Leo keep track of what I was 
working on when.  Admittedly this situation doesn't happen often, but I 
thought I'd try it out anyway.  Maybe it would be the start of something 
more useful.  Or maybe I'll feel like I had a nanny and stop using it.

It's still preliminary.  I have a script to start logging, and another to 
stop it.  It writes to ~/.leo/temp (and adjusts that path for WIndows).  
They could easily be turned into global commands in myLeoSettings.leo, 
though I haven't done that yet.

The script registers as an idle time handler.  If a minute has elapsed 
since the last check, the script looks to see if the currently focused 
outline and node have changed since the last check.  If so, it writes the 
time and the node's UNL to the log file.

Why the UNL? Because it shows the outline and node in a fairly readable 
way, and because the UNL can by copied and used to open the outline, or 
otherwise used by some other Leo script.

Obviously a real logging framework could be used to get better file 
management, but for exploring this seems good enough.

To use, open the attached outline, select the *Start Logging node*, and run 
it with CTRL-b.  To stop logging without closing Leo, select the *Stop 
Logging* node and run it with <CTRL-b>

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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!-- Created by Leo: -->
<leo_file xmlns:leo=""; >
<leo_header file_format="2"/>
<v t="tom.20230516105336.1"><vh>Activity Log</vh>
<v t="tom.20230516111939.1"><vh>Start Logging</vh>
<v t="tom.20230516105648.1"><vh>activity_log_proc()</vh></v>
<v t="tom.20230516112124.1"><vh>Stop Logging</vh></v>
<t tx="tom.20230516105336.1"></t>
<t tx="tom.20230516105648.1">def activity_log_proc(tag, keywords):
    """If enough time has elapsed, the active node's unl.""" 
    global ud
    if not ud.get(FLAG):  # Must have been stopped already

    c0 = keywords.get('c') # Commander of window being called

    # Is this commander the selected one?
    frame = c0.frame
    master = getattr(, 'leo_master', None)
    selected_window = master.currentWidget()
    cmdr = selected_window.leo_c

    if not cmdr.mFileName == c0.mFileName:

    last = ud.get(LAST_TIME, None)
    now = time.time()
    if not last:
        ud[last] = now  # Seed the time register

    if now - last &lt; INTERVAL:

    p0 = c0.p
    unl = p0.get_UNL()
    last_unl = ud.get(LAST_UNL, '')
    if last_unl == unl: # No change, need to log

    localtime = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M", time.localtime(now))
    msg = f'{localtime}  {unl}\n'
    # print(f'---- logging: {p0.h}')
    with open(ACTUALPATH, 'a', encoding = 'utf-8') as log:

    ud[LAST_TIME] = now
    ud[LAST_UNL] = unl

<t tx="tom.20230516111939.1">"""Periodically write UNL of selected node to a log file."""

import time

LOG = '~/.leo/temp/leolog.txt'
FLAG = 'activity-logging'
PROC = 'activity_log_proc'
LAST_TIME = 'activity-last-time'
LAST_UNL = 'activity-last-unl'
INTERVAL = 1 * 60  # seconds

normed = g.os_path_normpath(LOG)
ACTUALPATH = g.finalize(normed)

ud = g.user_dict


# Set up to store data globally
ud[FLAG] = True
now = time.time()
ud[LAST_TIME] = now - INTERVAL - 1

ud[PROC] = activity_log_proc
g.registerHandler('idle', activity_log_proc)
<t tx="tom.20230516112124.1">"""Stop Activity Logging."""
FLAG = 'activity-logging'
PROC = 'activity_log_proc'
LAST = 'activity-last-time'

ud = g.user_dict
proc = ud.get(PROC, None)
if proc:
    g.unregisterHandler('idle', proc)'Stopped activity logging')
    for k in (PROC, FLAG, LAST_TIME, LAST_UNL):
        if k in ud:

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