On Sun, Aug 13, 2023 at 12:10 PM Edward K. Ream wrote:

> c.*alt*_all_positions must use a stack just like Position.stack.

True, but c.alt_all_positions is simpler than I dared hope:

def alt_all_positions(self) -> Generator:
    """An alternative implementation of c.all_positions."""
    c = self
    PositionStack = list[tuple[VNode, int]]

    def visit(childIndex: int, v: VNode, stack: PositionStack) -> Generator:
        yield leoNodes.Position(v, childIndex, stack[:])
        stack.append((v, childIndex))
        for child_childIndex, child_v, in enumerate(v.children):
            yield from visit(child_childIndex, child_v, stack)

    stack: PositionStack = []
    for i, v in enumerate(c.hiddenRootNode.children):
        yield from visit(i, v, stack)

No helper methods required! This method passes

def test_c_alt_all_positions(self):

    c = self.c
    cc = self.create_test_paste_outline()
    assert cc.h == 'cc', repr(cc)
    positions1 = list(c.all_positions())
    positions2 = list(c.alt_all_positions())
    assert positions1 == positions2

An amazing development. The birthday presents keep coming.


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