>On Tue, 15 Apr 2014 19:06:14 +0200
>loki <l...@pancevo.rs> wrote:

> 1.) Is it enough for me to recompile only OpenSSL or do I have to
> recompile OpenSSH, apache, OpenVPN?

I have not yet looked at the patch that fixes CVE-2014-0160, but I
imagine that you do not need to recompile anything that dynamically
linkes to OpenSSL. Anything that links statically should be recompiled.

How to tell? Well, you compiled it, you ought to know what went into
it. :) In principle, you can run ldd on the executable in question and
see if /whatever/libssl.so.* comes up in the list. If so, OpenSSL is
linked in dynamically.

> 2.) Do I have to recreate the selfsigned certs for WWW even if I don't
> use any passwords for the private key? (After I update OpenSSL)

Not if (1) it has not been compromised and (2) you don't care about it
being compromised.

In practice, you almost certainly care about it being compromised and,
due to the fact the private key was in the same address space that is
exposed by CVE-2014-0160, your private key was almost certainly leaked
to anyone who bothered to look.

> 3.) Do I have to recreate the keys used for the users of OpenVPN?
> (After I update OpenSSL)

If they were not loaded into the servers address space (and they
probably weren't), no.

Note that all the above answers apply anytime an attacker has read
access to the servers address space. There is nothing special about
the so-called "heartbleed bug" that makes it different than so many
other information leak bugs.

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