On Mon, 21 Apr 2014 22:14:31 +0100
Ken Moffat <zarniwh...@ntlworld.com> wrote:

>  From memory (so, I might be wrong) the book doesn't ever create a
> 'users' group in LFS...  
>  So, I _guess_ that the 'users' group exists on your host system and
> you will need to create it in LFS to get these tests to work.
> ĸen

You're right. I do have a users group on my host system. But how does
that affect the lfs partition? At this stage, we are in a chroot jail,
using freshly-built software. Doesn't that mean complete independence
from the host except for the running kernel and its virtual file

There would have been no previous need for a "users" group or a "daemon"
user on LFS because acl was not included in the basic system and
therefore there were no acl tests to be run. That must still be the
case for LFS with sysVinit. But acl is apparently required for systemd,
so I think it would make sense for section 6.6 to be different in the
systemd edition of the book.


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