Hello, i am an user of lftp for an year and i just simply love it :) 
I discovered a behaviour in lftp that I would like to report, as i feel
is rather important. Nowadays, use it a lot for server to server
transfers.. But i do encounter a small problem! If I do "mirror
source_ftp destination_ftp" and "mirror another_source destination_ftp",
when the destination is the same.. This is, a fill up from two sources,
the programs doesn't work nicely.. That is.. Source 1 transfers file1,
source 2 tries to transfer file1 (fails can't write to file - as
expected) then it skips to file 2. OK, now supose source2 ends it file
quickly, then it jumps to file 3. source 1 when it ends its file, starts
to transfer file 2 without the knowledge that the file is already
there.. Where it should be trying file 3 (that will fails for the
concurrent write) and continue to file 4.

Sorry for my lousy english, however i do believe i was enough clear (did
i ? :D) I would like to have a comment from you, if you can, if in your
opinion this is really a small problem and if so what do your consider
doing, or is this a behaviour by design, and so if there is a way to get
aroung from it..

Thanks in advance,
Diogo Quintela

PS: I updated from 2.6.3 to 2.6.4 because i thought this was fixed as
said in changes with "now reget does not start transfer if not needed."

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