A couple of days late, but better then never (it helps to send it to the 
right address).

Hello Alvarez,
        I've been browsing the LFTP mailing list for awhile, and since I'm 
also using lftp on Aix (4.3, 5.1, 5.2 & 5.3), I thought I would chime in. 
I take it by ftps you are doing something like this?

        lftp ftps://host

As far as I can tell when specifying ftps as the protocol, lftp is 
expecting the server it's connecting to, to be setup with FTP/TLS in 
implicit mode (usually on port 990), if it's NOT setup using implicit mode 
it doesn't seem to work.  Or at least that's what I've seen happen when 
using with a Proftpd/TLS server (that I'm also in charge of).

If the remote server is expecting you to connect to the default ftp port 
(22), but use FTP/TLS, then it's likely configured to use explicit mode. 
In that case you might want to try

debug 12
set ftp:ssl-auth TLS
set ftp:ssl-force true
set ftp:ssl-allow yes
set ftp:ssl-protect-list yes
set ftp:ssl-protect-data yes
set ftp:ssl-protect-fxp yes

A couple of notes on this. I can use TLS (ssl-auth option), but some 
server implementations might not be setup for TLS, but an SSL version. You 
could try SSLv23 (I think that's the right option), also not all servers 
support encrypting both the Control connection (ssl-protect-list) AND the 
data connection (ssl-protect-data), So If you can connect, but can't list 
directories try turning off the data encryption.. Oh for initial testing I 
always set debug 12 so I can see EVERYTHING that's going on.

Jonathan Kaufman

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